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There are three regular concert relays which are usually worth the attention of musical listeners. One is the Wednesday afternoon Symphony Concert by the Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra. The orchestra is not a particularly stfong one ; but it is adventurous and, under Sir Dan Godfrey's courageous conductorship, it has achieved. a fine reputation. If you are not in the habit of tuning-in until the evening, I suggest that if possible you break the rule and listen on Wednesday afternoon next to John Hunt playing the Second Pianoforte Concerto by Brahms. This young pupil of Schnabel is one of the most convincing of the younger genera- tion of English pianists. Another concert relay -is that of the Halle Society (usually only on the North Regional wave- length), which on Thursday includes in its programme Myra Hess playing the First Pianoforte Concerto by Brahms. And then, finally, there is the Manchester Midday Society's concerts (again on the North Regional wavelength) which are planned to provide a lunch-hour recreation for the business men of the city. These concerts are fortnightly and consist mainly of chamber-music.
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