We have received some letters on the subject of macaroni,
which attest the latent demand for that edible, could it be brought within reach of " the million." One correspondent wishes to know the detai:s of its manufacture, suspecting the ingredients to be more various and expensive than we thought; another wants the details of its cookery. As we have known the celebrated pipes and ribands rather in the shop than the factory, in the diningroom than the kitchen, we cannot supply the desired details. This we know, that in countries where it is much used, the price is too near that of bread to permit of costly ingredients; and that very simple cookery suf- fices, though it may be varied indefinitely. The article is much used, we believe, in some parts of the United States, and is very cheap there. The English price, like that of printed music, is purely factitious. Let it be cheap here, and " the million" will soon learn how to cook and eat it.