The trial of Lieutenant Munro and Lieutenant Grant, for their
share in the duel which proved fatal to Colonel Lynar Fawcett, was appointed to take place in the Central Criminal Court today ; but it was postponed. Lord Denman and Mr. Justice Coltman took their seats at ten o'clock ; M. Berryer also being accommodated with a seat beside the Chief Justice. The Attorney-General then stated, that late last night he had received intelligence that Lieutenant Munro was unable to surrender, as he was labouring under an attack of typhus fever. It was under- stood that the trial could not take place during the present session of the Court.
Mr. Barnard Gregory, editor of the Satirist, who had pleaded " guilty " to indictments for libel on the Duke of Brunswick and Mr. Valiance, was brought up for judgment. He endeavoured to explain how he had pleaded guilty under some misconception ; but the Court said that he could not be heard. He was sentenced to four months' imprisonment for the libel On the Duke, and to eight months' imprisonment for that on Mr. Valiance, which was more calumnious.