2 DECEMBER 1843, Page 20


Tuesday, Nov. 28.


J. and C. Ayliffe, Twickenham, tailors -Marouy and Willimett. Duke Street, South- wark, plumbers-Roberts and Maybury. Birmingham, gun-engravers-Chnmpion and Co. Bow Street, victuallers-Chapman aud Featherstone, Whitby, bone-crushers-- Peacock and Sou. Bath. whartingers - Storer and Staiuton. Doucaster. innkeepers- Martin and Co. Hungerford Wharf, cement-manufacturers-Dickin and Co. Rochdale, chemists-Hobson and Co. Knightsbridge, coachmakers -Lewis and Co. Barmouth, Merionethshire, timber-merchants - Workman aud Webb. Basingstoke. surgeonsBowliug and Pickering. Hammersmith, surgeons-Miles and Brunt. Bermondsey, tar importers-Baird and M'Crackau, Cardiff, drapers-Cock and Cragg, Preston, carriers -Richardson and Emslie, Moorgate Street. merchants-ROI-email Co. Cornhill, book- sellers ; as far as regards John Relfe-Rylands and Sons. Manchester. corm splutters -Moyle and Miriam], Wardrobe Place, Hector's Commons. boarding-housekeepers- Outhwaite and Ferguson. Leeds, common.caniers-Goold and Co. Tewkesbury. tan- ners ; as far as regards W. Goold-R. and S. Stott, Blackburn, tea-dealers.


Scoteller, Seymour Street. pianoforte maker-Turner. Huddersfield, joiner--Butt, Whadden, Gloucestershire. farmer -Shillcock, Bromley, chemist-Crewdson, Walton, Lancadfire, cigar merchant - Clutterbuck, Old Compton Street, locksmith - lye. Walham Green, cowkeeper - Easy. Northumber'and Street, house-ageut-Worley. Chester Terrace, Borough Road. tailor -Viuey, Walham Green, policeman-Leggett. Port-ca. butcher-Cole, Holston Old Town, tripe dealer -Tabb, Harcourt Street, Mary- leboue. tailor-Greenhalgh, Edward Street. Hampstead Road, medical-pupil-Heard, East Stonehouse, Devonshire. gnu smith - Badger, Sheffield, tailor -Potts, Macclesfield. victualler-Phillips, Batley, wheelwright -Woodward, Wombwell, Yorkshire, out of business-Roberts. Birstal, shoemuker-Holroyd, Birstal, joiner -Parkiuson, Glouces- ter Place. Portman Square, musicdeacher-Morgarr, Northampton Square, commiasion agent-Howell, Newport. Monmouthshire. ictualler-Southourn, Praed Street, Pad- diugton, builder-Gibbons, Dempsey Street, Commercial Road East, ship-owner- Upton, Mauchester, coffeehouse-keeper-Finnimore, Great College Street, Camden Town, coach joiner- Clagett, New Road-Seymour, Neal], Glamorganshire. painter - Huckstepp. Lewes, porter to the Boise of Correction there-Bothams, Nottingham, bookkeeper-Saunders, Manchester. painter.


BARNES, GEORGE, Portsea, innkeeper, to surrender Dee. 12, Jan. 13: solicitors. Messrs. Lawrence. Old Fish Street ; official assignee. Mr. Groom. Abehurch Lane. BATES. JOHN, WI Street. Limehouse. grocer, Dec. 1, Jan. 17; solicitors, Messrs. Hindmarsh and Son, Jewin Crescent ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson. Basinghall Street. DEAKINS, JOSEPH, Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, horse-dealer. Dec. 12. Jan. 12: solicitors, Messrs Oldaker and Co. Pershore; Mr. Nicholls, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham. DUNNAGE, WILLIAM and ISAAC. Tooley Street, plumbers, Dec. 6. Jan. 12: solicitor, Mr. Butler, Tooley Street ; official assignee Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.

Goonwmr, Reissue, Eton,ironmonger. Dee. 12. Jan. 13: solicitor, Mr. Baylis, De- vonshire Square; official assianee. Mr. Groom. Abehurch Lane. Joees. Trionas VirLmsda, Wellington, Shropshire, draper, Dec. 13. Jan. : solicitors, Mr, Robinson, Wellington ; Mr. Slaney. Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore. Birmingham.

Mims. WILLIAM, Leeds. oil-merchant, Dec. 21, Jan. 6: solicitors. Messrs. Sudlow and Co. Chancery Lane; Mr. Middleton, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. PARSLOW, CHARLES. Blackman Street. tailor, Dec. 9. Jan. 11: solicitor, Mr. Braham, Chancery Lane ; official assignee. Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers. PARSONAGE, ISAAC. Birmingham. paperhanger, Dec. 13 Jan. 6 : solicitors, Messes. Dimmock and Burhey, Size Lone; Mr. Ludlow, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston. Birmingham. PEARSGN. WILLIAM. Chelmsfotd, draper, Dee. 6, Jau. 12: solicitor. Mr. Catlin. Ely place; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanhury. ROBINSON, CHRISTOPHER, Great Trinity Lane. oil-merchant, Dec. 12, Jan.9 : solicitors. Messrs. Lawrence and Plews, Bucklersbury ; official assignee. Mr. Johnson, Basing- hall Street.


Dec.19, T. and J. L. Keasley. Bermondsey, tanners-Dec. 19. Marsh, Great Scotland Yard, navy agent-Dec. 22. Smith, Leeds. irontounder -Dec. 21, SW31111 and Kelly, Thornton, Lancashire. bricklayers-Dec. 20. Joyce. Bristol, woollendraper-Dec. 2 L, Taylor. Moreton-iudlie Marsh. Gloucestershire, mercer -Dec. 21, Orem, Chard. lace- manufacturer-Dec. 22, Showell. Birmingham, bookseller -Dee. 21, Duncan, Derby, engineer.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Dec. 19. Widuall, Edgware Road. stationer-Dec. 21, White, Ilford, draper-Dee. 19. Sell. Union Street, Southwark. baker-Dee. 21, Bates, Welbeek Street, auctioneer -Dec. 20, Espivent, Coleman Street Buildings. merchant -Dec. 19. Lewis. Shenfield, Essex, farmer - Dec. 19, Goldsbury, Hastings. draper -Dec. 20. Morgan, Liangattock. Breeonshire, grocer-Dec.21, Taylor, Moreton-in-the-Marsh. mercer-Dee. 20, Lister, Wolverhampton. wine-merchant.

Tube granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before Dec. 19. Broomhead, Sheffield, merchant - Reid, Waterloo Place. iron-manufacturer - Walker. Pall Mall East, grocer-Royston, Manchester, yarn-dealer-Wright, Guiseley. Yorkshire, miller-Ridge, Chichester. banker.


Ponten, Ludgate Hill, chemist; second die. of 51d. and ls. 2d. on Nov. 29, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry-More and Co. Feuchurch Street. merchants ; final slit'. of 31 64ths of a Id. on Nov. 29, or any sub serpent Wednesday; Mr. Belcher. Ring's Arms Yard-Daniell, Boulogne, copper- smelter ; first div. of 2s. 6d. any day after Dec. 6; Mr. Heruaman. Exeter-Exley, Manchester, bootmaker ; first div. of 2s. 4d. on Dec. 5, or any subsequent Tneeday ; Mr. Stanway, Manchester.


BOATH, J., junior, Forfar, manufacturer, Dec. 6, 27. GIBSON, J., Glasgow. writer Dec. 1, 29.

IP DONALD, J., Glasgow, calico-printer, Dec. 5, 26. Momusos, J., Edinburgh, painter, Dec. 2. 23. STEWART, J., Edinburgh, stable-keeper. Dec. 23.

Friday, Dec. 1.


E. and M. Hanson. Blackburn, confectioners-R. and J. E. Evans. New Bond Street grocers-Healey aud Co. Bolton, machiue-makers - Baker and Butcher. Chew's Ride Little Moorfields, tea dealers-Goodfellow and Fawkner. Macclesfield, silk-trimming mannfacturers-Dawson and Potter. Birkaere, calico-printers -Woodmau and Gilbert, Walton, Buckinghamshire, millers -E. and J. Hedges. Cirencester, liuendrapers- Saw-mill Company. Blackburn-Taylor and Son, Birmingham, curriers-Ciark and Buttery, Weed Street, riband-manufacturers.


Bresler, Little Carter Lane, furrier-Leigh, Manchester, laud-agent-Roberts, wia- war, Gloucestershire, farmer-Hood, Elstree. Hertfordshire. farmer- Foucher, Chelsea. deneiog-master -Humphreys, Stafford Place. tailor --Justin% Cold Bath Square, attor- ney's clerk-Longhurst, Warflehl. Berkshire. farmer-Valentine, Sheffield, scale-cutter -Bonner. Pratt Street, Lambeth, comedian -Jones, Liverpool, eterk-Bugnird. St. Clement's, Oxfordshire. foreman-Weston, Hallingdon, lineudraper-Coates. Hud- dersfield, warehouseman-Patten: Plymouth, out of business-Summers, Cheltenham, baker-Leslie, Penton Street. Pentonville, sergern -Woodman. Hampden Street, Camden Toon, grocer-Ramplen, Ipswich, baker- Scholes, Huddersfield, accountant -Butcher Dartford, butcher Bridguell. Newington. linendraper's assistant-High- nam. Wood Street, out of business-Lucas, Upper Thames Street, out of business - Smiih, Great Titchfield Street cabinet maker-Biller, York Terrace. Camberwell,

K ensington, tailor-Challingsworth, Dudley, ;victualler-Edmonds, Birmingham. japanner-Hope, Worcester, out of business-Brown. Manchester, agent -Pitt, Kidderminster, cabinet-maker-Page, Lower Eaton Street, clerk.


ALFoRD, THOMAS, Harrow Road, victualler, to surrender Dee. 12, Feb. 8: solicitor, Mr. Berkeley, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street Buildings. Emir:err, RICHARD WILLIAM, Compton Street, silversmith, Dec. 8. Jan. 12: solicitor, Mr. Evans, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee. Mr. G: een, Aldermaubury. FAKTETT. THOMAS, and Mum. lone. Hollingworilt, builders, Dec. 16, Jan. 12: soli eitors, Mr. Tyler, Staple Inn; Mr. Hibbert. llyde, Cheshire ; official assignee, Mr Fraser, Manchester.

HART, Jenne. Quadrant, tailor, Dec. 8, Jan. 12: solicitor. Mr. Teague, Crown Court. Cheapside; official assignee. Mr. Green, Altlermanbury. JONES, JOHN, Conway, Carnarvonshire, ship-builder. Dee. 14. Jan. 9: solicitors. Messrs. Lowe and Co. South impton Buildings; Mr. Roberts, Carnervon; official assignee, Mr. Follett. Liverpool. LOWE% ROBERT, Sunderland, brewer, Dec. 8, Jan. 22: solicitors, Messrs. Cox and Stone, Poultry; Mr. Welford, Hexham ; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon- Tyne. Sams, JAMES, Darentlt. Kent, carpenter, Dec. 12, Jan. 17: solicitors, Mr. Tripp, Gray's Inn Square; Mr. Hayward, Dartford ; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Cole' man Street buildings. STONE, WILLIAm, Birmingham, printer, Dec. 13, Jau. 16: solicitors, Mess's. Hay- mood and Webb, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. Wria,rems, CHARLES, Sunderland, currier, Dec. 12. Jan. 23: solicitors, Messrs. Bell and Co. Bow Churchyard ; Mr. Snowball, Bishop Wearmouth; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon -Tyne.


Dec. 22, Boggs and Co. Great Winchester Street, merchants -Dee. 22. Long, Enfield, lime-burner-Dec. 21, Ward. Blackfriars Road, draper-Jan. 16, Bloom, Wharf Road, City Road, coal-merchant-Dec. 29, Morgan and Helroyd. Bristol, ship-builders- Dec. 28, Franklyn, Bristol, shipshuilder-Dec.'..,9, Jones. Chepstow, timber-merchant-Dee. 22, Ward, Liverpool, brewer -Jan. 1, Thorniley, Broarlbottorn, Cheshire, grocer -Jan. 8, Duggan, Cheadle Grove, Cheshire, calico-printer-Jan. 9, Hussey, Nether Kuuts- ford, baker.


To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Dec. 23, Wiuniug, Dover Street. Piccadilly, upholsterer-Dec. 28, Fraley, Bristol, merchant-Dec. 22,Aederton. Manchester, calico- printer- Dec. 22, Ridgeway, Man- chester. merchant-Jan. 6, l'ickard, Ossett. Yorkshire, cluth-manufacturer-Dec. 22, Lowe, Liverpool, builder.

2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Dec. 22. handle, Beaumont Street, coach maker - Osborn, Bordesley, Warwickshire, banker -Polak. Newport, Monmouthshire, woollen-draper - Ridge, Chichester, banker- Gre- gory. Sheffield, table-knife manufacturer-Browu. Haverfordwest, linendraper-Bur- ton. Great Glenn, Leicestershire, currier-Jackson, St. Audrew Auckland, Durham, miller.


Whinfield, Newenstle-upon-Tyne, draper; first div. of 4s. on Dec. 9, or any sue- ceediug Saturday; Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon-Tyne-Higgin, Lancaster, scrivener ; third div. of Ad. on Dec. 12, or any subsequent Tuesday; Alr, Hobson, Manchester- Fowler, Liverpool, merchant ; first div. of 6s. on Dec. 6, or any subsequeut Wednes- day ; Mr. Follett, Liverpool-Stoodley, Bridport, twiue-manufacturer ; first div. of 6s, any day after Dec. 1; Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter.


KEITH, G., Arbreath, brass•founder, Dec. 6, 26. RAILTON, G., Glasgow, auctioneer, Dec. 7,20.