Tile Consul Market has been heavy during the last few (lays, and money has been rather more in request. We are not inclined to refer this depression to any political cause, but believe it to be chiefly produced by the large premiums given by the speculators in Spanish and Portuguese Bonds, to enable them to carry over their Accounts, and which thus diverts the capital formerly em- ployed in the English Funds into other channels. The Bank proprietary have seceded to the terms proposed by Lee d ALTIIORP, for the repayment of one- fourth of the debt due by the Government to that Corporation, and have taken the amount iu Reduced 3 per Cent. Stock, at 90. It has also been deter- thiued that this Stock shall be held as a permanent investment. The Chan- cellor of the Exchequer has thus been enabled to complete his financial arrangements fur the year without having recourse to any new loan ; for althoug,h, by the recent arrangement, a large creation of Stock has taken place, yet as it will be continually held in deposit, it cannot, for the present at least, produce any effect upon the mallet. The only additional burden created is the difference between the interest which will in future be paid upon the Stock, and that which was formerly paid upon the capital, about 12,000/. In the Foreign Market, the fluctuations in Spanish Stock have been unusually large. As soon as the real character of the events at Madrid of the 18th ult. became known, and it was ascertained that the disturbances which had occurred in that capital were not of Cellist origin, the price recovered from its depres- sion, and has since continued to rise, closing yesterday afternoon at 48. 'This morning, when it transpired that the meeting of the Cortes had actually :tam place on the 24th ult. at Madrid, the market again improved to 48!„ Some 'seas sales were effected at 44, which depressed theprice to 471. The market has since improved, and closes at 48 The depression of the afternoon was, we believe, occasioned by the fact that the Speech of the King of the Renal, which was to be delivered on the opening of the Chambers on the 31st ult., and a copy of which has been received in town, does nut in any degree countenance the belief which has for some time existed, that the French Government would, in the case of any great success on the part of Dou CA KLOS, assist the Queen Regent by marching an army across the Pyrenees. The Portuguese Regency Bonds have rather Improved since our last prices ; they have been to-day at 87, and close at 86i 3. The European Continental Stocks are nearly at last week's prices. The Dutch Funds have not been in any degree affected by the recent pacific intelli- gence from Amsterdam, and are to-day at the same quotations as yesterday.
The Consul Market has been steady with little fluctuation. Spanish Stock has, however, fluctuated considerably ; the opening price was 471; since which it has been as low as 47, and after being at 481, is now 471 Si. The other Foreign Stocks are at yesterday's prices, with the exception of the South American, which have received an impulse from the anticipated recognition of the several republics by the Spanish Corns. Some considerable inquiry exists for the Bends, and they are generally from 1 to 2 per cent. higher than they- were two days ago. SATVILDAY, FOUR o'coaot. Consols for Account close at 90/ 91. The Spanish Bonds have fluetuatul considerably during the afternoon. The speech delivered by the Queen Hewes to the Cortes on the opening of its sittings caused some extensive tiantiactions in Spanish Stock ; which has been as high as 481, afterwards receding to as, and closing at 488 A. The business in the other Foreign Stocks has been on e very limited scale, and the prices are the same as in the morning. 3 per Cent. Consols 901 I Dutch 21 per Cents. 511 4
Ditto for Account 901 French 3 per Cents New 31 per Cent. Annuities I54 1 Greek, 1833.5 per Cents 104 105 Bank Stock 2291 Mexican 6 per Cents. 42 43
India Stock, ex. div. 2651 Portuguese 5 per Cents 565 t
Exchequer Bills 47 49 Do. Regency Scrip.5 per Cent 861 4
Belgian 5.per Cents 994 PrussiatL181 S, 5 per Cent... -- Ittazilian a per Cents 791 Russian, IS22 5 per Cent... le64
Dauish3 per Cents 75 Spanish, 1921, 5 per Cent... 4': 4