IRELAND, After repeated postponements, the Tories have at length decided
upon holding a 44 great " Protestant meeting in Dublin, to " resist the estahlislueent of Popery in Ireland." It is to take place on the 14th of August, in the King's room at the Mansionhouse.
The Dublin Emigration Societe will send out 250 young women of good character, next month, to 'Australia, having procured a vessel from tics-eminent for that purpose.
The proceedings of the Irish Grand Juries are this year carried on before the public ; and the check this circumstance affords, and the publication of the proceedings in the papers, have already produced much benefit in the diminution of local taxation.
At The Waterford Assizes, on the 2Ist July, that amusing old gen- tl emse, 31nron Smith, sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment a man who had never been tried or arraigned. He was charged with the same ofrence as nine others—some Irish row; but the gaoler forgot to send him into the dock to be tried, though he was brought up for sentence. The Judge did not know how many he had tried, or how many he was about to sentence. The prisoner was discharged on his own recogni- zance, as the witnesses against him had all left town.