2 APRIL 1853, Page 8


The week has been one of tranquillity in the English Stock. Market. Con- fidence has been restored, under thebelief that the Turkish "question has been nearly arranged ; likewise by the favourable impression produced by the tele- graphic account of the Indian news, announcing,. the overtures of peace from Ave, and intelligence from the Cape of the submission of Sandilli and the ex- pected termination of the Caffre war. Conads, which closed on Saturday at 99i 100 for Money, advanced on Wednesday to 100 1 ; assisted by a pur- chase of 130,000/., the price for Account has been as high as 1001 k. Today the telegraphic despatch on Turkish affairs is not considered quite so favour- able, and the Funds are 1 lower. Consols close at 99,1 100 for Money and Account. Exchequer Bills are Is. lower than on Saturday last. . In Foreign Securities there is little to notice: the leading Stocks haveNg4n supported generally, but in several- instances without producing any,change in prices. Sardinian and Austrian have improved 1; Brazilian Fivit.ppr Cents, Danish Three per Cents, and Portuguese Four per Cents, 1 ; ; Russian Five per Cents have fallen 1, andT Spanish Three per c4tol. Australian Agricultural Shares continue heavy : they closed yesteidardt'VS 102, and are today the same. In the Railway Market, the transactions have been limited, trilIt'etitrily in connexion with the settlement of the Account, which. took'/Await on Wednesday ; the rates paid for "continuation" on that occasion :were higher. Prices exhibited a declining tendency for several days,-. which continued up to last evening. At the close of the market„-Alie dif- ference in some of the leading lines compared with Saturday last. was to the following extent. Increase—Oxford, 'Worcester, and Wolverhampten, 2/. ; Scottish Central, 10s. ; Caledonian and South-eastern, 58. Deerease7- London and North-western, if ; Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire, and Midland, 15s.; Bristol and Exeter, East Lancashire, and London and South=weetern, 10s. Those of the smile value as 'last week' are London, 'Brighton, and Smith Coast ; York; Newcastle, and Berwick; York and North Midland. The depression in French Shares has teen—Pans and Lyons; and Paris and Rouen, 108. ; Northern of France, 78. 6d.; Paris and Strasbmirg, 5s.; Paris and Orleans, Rouen and Havre, Southern of France, and Western of France, of, the same value as last week, -Today the English tind Foreign lines heve rallied to a trilling extent.

In the English Market the Funds are inactive this morning, and without alteration Consols for Money and Account 991 100. No change has oc- curred in Foreign Stocks. Railways are steady, with little businese dank. The bargains have been----Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhanipton,j'52-t; North British, 35; London and Bla.ckwali, 91; Eastern Countleic 18.."CLOTh


In the English Market the Funds are higher, Consols closing, at I for Money and 1001 for Account. In Foreign -Stocks the only . alteratioa 'Ace rise of 1 in Mexican, which are now 26t 7. This is owing to the arrival df the packet, an expectation being entertained' that Santa .Anna will proinele the interests of the Bondholders in a financial point of view. The palit


done at if discount, and Spanish Certificates 81 I. Australian Ag,rictilfdrid. Shares mark 100, and Peel River Land and Mineral 12/ 14. Railway Shares have not altered ; very few descriptions 'have been mat in—Ambergate, Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 61; •Caledonian, 62; Chester and Holyhead, 211; East Anglian, 251. L. and E. and L. and ; Eastern Counties, 124 ; Great Northern, 81; Great Western sof ; LaMar- shire and Yorkshire, 75t; Ditto Fifths, 11; London and Blickwall, 9; Loa- don, Brighton, and South Coast, 104; London and North-western, 1181; Ditto 101. Shares, M. and B. C.; 24; London and South-western, ; Man- chester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 30/ ; Midland, 74k; Norfolk, 521.; North British, 35; North Staffordshire, in; Okford, Worcester, and Wolver- hampton 521; South-eastern, 75; Chester and Holyhead Guaranteed 51 per Cent, 19'; Eastern Counties Extension 5 per Cent, No. 2, 11 pram.; Ditto New 6 per CentStock, 143; Great Northern 5 per Cent; 127;' Great Western, fixed 41 per Cent, 106; Midland Consolidated Bristol and Birmingham, 6 per Cent, 149; Namur and Liege, 71. Mines—Brazilian Imperial (issued at 51. prem.) 5k; Brazilian Imperial C,ocaes and Cuiaba 6k; Santiago ile Cuba, 6,; West Mariposa, 1/. Joint Stock Banks--HritisliNorth American, 60; Commercial of London, 32; Union of Australia, 78k; Union of London, 171. Miscellaneous—Canada, 60; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 85.

brings about 10,000 dollars—less than was expected. Swedish Loan has' ,

8 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account

3 per Cent Reduced 34 per Dents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents

Belgian 4a per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents

Danish 5 per Cents.

100 100 shut shut shut shut 7 11 shut 100 2 ex d. 98 100 103 Sex d. 104 6

Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian Scrip Portuguese 4 per Cents .... Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 44 per Cents.. Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Austrian 5 per Cents

Si 5 ex d. 6

9 d. 14

261 31 4 pm. 39 ig '117C19 -44 r 197 8'

98 .100