From the Paris correspondence of the Times we learn, that
the negotiation which has been pending between the English and French Post-offices has really at length been brought to a close. Newspapers are to be charged a halfpenny postage in England, and four centimes in France. Thus the whole postage will be a penny, instead of the 7d. (5d. in France 4* and 2d. in England) now charged. It is also ar- ranged that the postage of letters may be paid in advance, or on deli- very, in either country, according to the convenience of the parties corresponding ; and that the safe conveyance of money letters shall be guaranteed on the payment of a certain percentage. These regulations are to come into operation about the beginning of June.
• A correspondent, who sends the Spectator to Tours, complains that, under the existing practice, the charge is a franc-10d. instead of 51 This roust be the extra- postage from Paris to Tours.