On Saturday last the following degrees were conferred:—Master of Arts—Rev. W. P. Powell, Worcester College. Bachelors of Arts—J. A. Gardner, Trinity College; T. N. Williams. Postmaster of Merton College.
In a Coavocation holden on the same day, the following Public ,Eacaminers for
the ensuing year were unanimously approved of:—);; Literis Hanianioribas—Rev.. the Principal of New Inn Hall ; Rev. It. D. Hampden, M.A. late Fellow of Oriel College; Rev. J. Carr, M.A. Fellow of Balliol College. In Discipliais Allathematicis et Physicis—Rev. the Savilian Professor of Geometry; Rev. A. P. Saunders, M.A. Student of Christ Church ; Rev. It. Walker, M.A. Tutor of Wadham College. On Friday, the 25th ult. the Lord Bishop of Worcester held an Ordination, when the following Gentlemen were ordained :—Deacons—J. Kay, M.A. Brasennose Col- lege, Oxford; E. Meade, 13.A.Wadhatn College, Oxford ;,G. H. Clifton, 13.A.Worcea- ter College, Oxford; W. Boultun, B.A. Christ Church, Oxford ; H. A. Whitniore, B. A. Christ's College, Cambridge ; F. Duncan, B.A. Trinity College, Cambridge ; W. Biscoe, B.A., Queen's College, Cambridge. Priests—Rev. T. Parry, B.A. Wad- ham College, Oxford ; Rev. J. D. Lloyd, B.A. Queen's College, Oxford ; Rev. J. C, Bayliss, B.A. Queen's College, Oxford ; Rev. R. Barneby, B.A. Brasennose College. Oxford ; Rev. J. Gone, B.A. Clare Hall, Cambridge.
CAMBRIDGE. PREVIOUS EXAMINATION, Lent Term, 18431. E.t.a »zi iters—John Heath, M.A. King's College; Edward Baines, M.A. Christ's College ; Henry Calthrop, M.A. Corpus Christi. College ; Edward Biley, M.A. Clare Hall. FIRST CLASS.
Abdy, Joh. Aekers, Trim Adair, Trill.
Pemb. Allen, 'Frill. Andras, Joh. Andrews, Trin. Arabi n, Trim Baillie, Trim Baker, Joh. Bamfield, Clare. Barber, John. Barker, J. IL Job. Barker, W. G. Joh. Barlow, Sid. Barnes, Trio. Barry, Qu. Bateman, Corpus Bateman, Chr. Barton, Joh. Bathurst, Job. Begbie, Pemb. Bellingham, Job. Benett, Inn. Bennett, Corpus Bindloss, maga. Birch, Joh. Birrell, Sid. Pie nkinsupp, Tr. Blyth, Chr. Bogue, Chr. Bolton, Clore Barton, Trin. IL Buteler, Trill. Bowsteacl, Peoth. Bowyear, Caius Brade, Qu. Bromic, Sid. Btomhead, Trin. Brook tield,Trin. BrOWil, Trim Brown, Emm. Buck, Emm. Bucknell, 'Frill. Banbury, C. Trin. Burford, Chr. Bury, Joh. Coley, Joh. Calthorp, Joh. Campbell, Tr. H. Campbell, Tr. Cantrell, Emm, Cardew, Joh. Carleton, Trim Canyon, Clare Carter, Joh. Cartmell, Emm. Cartwright, Qu. Casse, Jes. Caton, Trin. Cavendish, sen.Trl. Chambers, Joh. Childs, Trin. Cogan, Call?. Cottam, Cath. Couchman, Clar. Creuze, Iou. Crosse, Cath. Dansey, Down. Dickenson, Slag. Dtrnock, Joh. Dornett, Joh. Drayton, Trio.
Alington, Joh. Ailbut, Cath. Allott, Clare. Arden, Trin. Barlow, Cath. Barlow, Jes. Bateman, Trin. Bates, Trin. Begley, Emm. Bertles, Pemb. Bishop, Jes. Brewitt, Pet. Bullen, Pet. Burgoyne, Trim Bush, Pemb. Cane, Cath. Cazalet, Trio. Durban, Qu. '
Dusautoy, Joh. Edwards, Tes. Ellice, Coins Elliott, C.13. Qu. E Ilion, J. Qu. Evans, Qu. Evans, Cath.
Fawssett, Jes. Feachem, 'Prin. Fellowes, Joh. Fisher, Jes. Fisk, Corpus Forster, H. Corp. Forster, J. Corp. Fowler, Trin. Francis, Joh. Fussell, Sid. Garden, Pet. Garden, Trim Gayton, Trio. Clennie, Pet. Glover, Pet. Greaves, Trill. Greensill. Corp. Greenslade, Trin. Grey, Trill. Grigson. Corpus Gryl Is, Trio, Guilt, Calls Hall, Job. Hainerton, Trin. Hammond, Qu. Hammond, Jes. Hankinson, Trio. Harman, Cai us Harris, Trim Haworth, Chr. Heathcote, Joh, Heatheote, Trin. Hedges, Qu. Heywood, Trin. Hildyard, Chr. Hine, Corpus. Holmes, Magd. Holroyd, Chr. Hopkins, Caium. Hopkins, Magd. Hornby, Joh. Howard, Joh. Howes, Magd. Howlett, Joh. Hubbard, Trin. Hughes, Joh. Hughes, Trin, Humble, Emm. Hurt, Jes. Hutchinson, Mg. Irwin, Qu. Jacob, Emm. Jacques, Trin. Jenkyns, Clare. Jerrard, Coins. Jones, L. Qu. Jones, E. Cath. Jones, T. Cath. Jones, F. J. Joh. Jones, 3. Joh. Jones, T. Joh. Jones, Emm. R crape, Clare.
Chapman, Corp. Clarke, W. T. Joh. Daniel, Pet. Dawson, Jes. Donn, Joh. Downs, Chr. English, Trin. Fardell, Chr. Gough, Qu. Hamersley, Trin. Helps, Magd. Herbert, Jolt. Hill, Trin. Holland, Pemb. Holt, Sid. Hotchkin, Joh. Hulett, Qu.
Kemplay, Trin, Kent, Clare. Kidd, Emir). Kimpton, Trin. Kinglake, 'Trim Kirwan, Corpus. Kitson, Magd. Knox, Trin. Leifer, Chr.
Lands, Cath. Langdon, Joh. Leach, Pemb. Leighton, Joh. Ley, Qu. Lloyd, Jes. Lockwood, Joh. Loder, Trin. Lowe, 'Trim H. Lowe, Bleed. Loxley, Cath. • Lyrielcker, Trin. APDonald, Trim Mackie, Pemb. Mackinnon, Joh, Maddock, Cath. Joh. Manners, Corp. Marriott, Sid. klarsden, Cath. Marshall, Trim Martin, Sid. Massey, Job. Mitcham, Tr. II. Maxwell, Joh.
Meadows, Corp. Mercer, Trin. Metcalfe, Joh. Mitton, Jes. Monteith, Trin. Montgomery, Corp. Myers, Clare. Nairne, Trip. Nash, Down. Nelson, Pet. Nicholson, Chr. Nicholson, Erum. Noble, Joh.
Noble, Ski.
North, Trin. Ottley, Trin. Owen, Calm. Owen, Joh.
Paley, Joh. Palmer, C. Joh. Parker, Jolt. Pearce, Qu. Peat, Pet.
Phelps, Trin. philpott, Joh. Pine, Trin.
Platten, Coins. Poore,-Qu. Pound, Joh. Pratt, Coins. Price, Clare. Price, R. Qu. Priest, Corpus. Pugh, Cath. Quirk, Joh. Raikes, Corpus. Reeve, Trim,
Ingram, Qu. Jackson, Cath. James, Qu. Jones, Trill. Judd, Trim heeling, Joh. Kenriek, Trin. Kerr, Joh. Lee4Joh.
Lee, Trin. Luxford, Trim Marshall, Pet. Blelluirst, Joh. Messenger, Pens.
Reynolds, Qu. Ripley, Joh. Bobertson, Cor. Rogers, Cath, Rolfe, Coins. Roots, Joe. Roper, Magd.. Rose, Clare. Rose, Trio. Boyle, Trim. Sale, Joh. Sanders, Jolt. Scale, Jes. Scholefield, Caius. Sculthorpe, Joh. Sharp, Magd. Sharpe, Joh. Simpson, Joh. Sloane, Trin. Smith, Pet. Smith, Caine. Smith, C. Trin. Smith, D. Trio, Snape, Qu. Snow, Joh. Spear, CaillS. Speck, Joh, Spence, Joh. Spooner, Caius. Staveley, Cath. Stowell, I'd. Stevens, Pct. Stock, Trio. Stuckdale, 'Fein. Stodclart, Jes. Tate, Emm. Taylor, J. Joh. Temple, Magd. Thompson, Cor. Thompson. J. Joh. Tindall, Trim Tomlinson, Joh. Travers, Chr. Tuck, Gahm. Tuck, Corpus. Tuck, Jes.
Turner, C. Job. Turner, T. F. Joh._ Umpleby, Qu. Vattdrey, Qu. Ventris, Joh. Watford, Trio. Walter, Sid. Ward, Corpus. Whitaker, Qu. Wilding, Trim Williams, Joh. Williams, Magd. Williams, Emir'. Wilson, R. Joh. Wimberley, Joh. Wirgmau, Pet. Wirgman, Trim Wix, Pet.
Wuud, Joh.
Wood, F. Trim Wood, R. Trin. Woodfall, Trin. Worsley, Magd. 'Wright, C. Trin. Wright, W. Trim York, Qu.
Patchett, Job. - Price, J. Qu. Roberts, Job. Russell, Sid. Sharpe, Qu. Spencer, Jes. Stead, Calm. St. John, Down. Teed, Jes. Thomson, Jes. Torkington, Emm. Venn, Cath. Wardroper, Chr. Wilkinson, Jes. Wyatt, Joh. Wykle, Joh. Young, Qu.