THE Kixe.—His Majesty abides at Windsor, amusing himself, in his
ordinary plain way, in riding and driving through the groves and glades of the Great Park. He came to town on Wednesday, for the purpose of holding a Levee. He arrived at St. James's Palace about one o'clock. A multitude of Reform Addresses were received by his Majesty, and the following presentations took place.
Mr. S. Marioribanks, M.P. by the Lord Mayor. Mr. John Martin, 31.1'. by the 1,,,rd Mayor. Mr. Wm. Henry Bodkin, by the Ath.rticy-Gencral. Mr. Itickford, M.P. for Aylesbury, by lord Nugent. Mr. Thomas Sititlber, on his appointment as Gen- tleman ['slier in quarterly uaiting to the King, by the Lord Chamberlain. Mr. Samuel Thornton, by Lord Bexley. Mr. Perry Evans Freke, {homelier 13 tiaras, by Lord Carberv.
Major-Gen. Don. P. Stuart, on being appointed to the Command in Scothind, by Lord Bill. Rear-Admiral Wollaston. on his promotion, by the Duke of Norfolk.
Capt. Polkingliorne. R.N. by Sin. Pechell, Bt. C.B. Lieut. Hudson, Grenadier lairds, on his appoint- ment, by Colonel Woodford.
Lieut.-Cal. lioulton, by Lord James (r tram. Lieut. Thomas Graves, on his return froM a survey he Straits of Magelltmes, &c. by Rear-Adani- ral Sir T. M. !lardy.
Mr. Thomas Ilimetia:, Clerk of the Cheque to the II',,. Corps of Gentlemen Pensioners, by Lcird Foley. Cornet Pitt, Royal How Guards, by Lord MIL Mr. Barrett, by the Lord Mayor. Capt. Furneaux, Royal Navy, by Vice-Admiral Sir Richard King, Bart. 5.0.11. Sir. llerbert Compton, on his appointment to he Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at Bombay, by the Right lion. Charles Grant. Mr. W. George Prescott, by the Lord Mayor. Capt. Wemyss, R.N. by illy Earl of Rossiya. Lieut. W. Faushawo Glanville, R.N. by Captain Lord 11. J. S. Churchill.
Lieut. II. Lloyd, Bengal Army, by Sir T. Dowses. Mr. G. Lorpent and Mr. R. Richards, by the Lord Mayor.
The King returned to Windsor as soon as the Levee was over.
On Thursday, the Maunday people were mustered at St. James's ; when the doles were doled out—the shoes, the stockings, the silver pen- nies, the pieces of beef k three pounds and three quarters each), the salt cod and salt sahnon, the eighteen red herrings, and the " similar number" of white herrings ; anti there were the Sub-Almoner and the Beef-eaters, and the children, as usual ; and, as usual, the whole is chronicled in the Court Circular of the day.
Among the items of intelligence of the Royal week, transmitted from Windsor, is one under the date of )Ionday, to the following effect- " Prince George of Cambridge rode out this day on his favourite pony." We are sorry that we are but imperfectly acquainted with the history of this most honoured of beasts, but we him-e the authority of Sir Claudius Hunter for stating that his family is highly respectable. The King holds another Levee on the 13th.