I IsToav.
II istorical Treatises—The Polities I t 'onsequenres of the Reformation :TI. it ins. Pro gress. and Practical tilltiemee of Political Theories: The Rise and I: too th of the emoinew al Interests of (Ilea Britoil,. Translated from the German ot A. II. L.
Deere's. K 'tight 01 the Guelph it: Order. Cuaucillor and Protisssor of mu i-tory in the
- University ot Gottingen Talboys, Oxford.
The Continent in 1835. Sketches in Belgium. Germany, Switzerland, Kato:"... and Pratte.. ; iticluding Historical Notiees and Statements reItt is c the NilStillg the Protestant Ileliglu its those countries, its John tioapas. M.A. Protessor of the Philosophy of the Duman Mind and Logic in the oiversity of Loudon. In 2 volt Samders and Utley.
On the Disease of the II ; cultplain and coloured Plates. Ity William Coulsou, Consulting Surgeon to the Loudon Lying-in-Hospital. &c Hurst. GOSSIP, Tile Great Metropolis. Ily the Author of " Rantlom Recollections of the Lords and
Communs." In X vole &uvula's and.litley.