BOOKS OF TOMORROW Sir Sanytiel Romilly. By C. 0. Oakes.
(Allen and Unwin. 18s.) The Coming Civilisation. By K. Ingrain. (Allen and Unwin. Os.) Antony. By the Earl of Lytton. (Peter Davies. Os.) This Torch of Freedom. By Stanley Baldwin. (Hodder and Stoughton. 12s. 6d.) Letters Between Samuel Butler and Miss E. M. A. Savage. (Cape. 10s. 6d.) Dramatis Personae : 1896-1902. By W. B. Yeats. (Cuala . Press, Dublin. 10s. 6d.) The W,ay of a ;Transgressor. By Negley Parson. (Gollancz. '10s.) The Mediterranean. An Anthology compiled by Paul Bloomfield. (Cassell. 7s. 6d.) King George V as a Sportsman. By J. Wentworth Day. (Cassell. 1.5s.) The Air Annual ,of the British Empire. 19135-1936. (Pitman. 21s.)