29 NOVEMBER 1902, Page 16



Sin,—Will you allow me to correct an error in your very kindly notice of the Pilot in the Spectator of November 22nd? It was never intended to be a rival of the Guardian. From the first it was felt that what was wanted was not a new " Church paper," but a secular journal in which ecclesiastical questions, when they presented themselves, should be treated from the point of view of the High Church party. Every secular journal has, when necessary, an ecclesiastical line of its own, and this was ours.—I am, Sir, &c.,

Atheneum Club. D. C. LATHBURY.

[We are glad to insert Mr. Lathbury's letter, still more glad to congratulate him on the resuscitation, after a brief solution of continuity, of the journal he has conducted with such ability for the past two years and three-quarters.—En. Spectator.]