29 MAY 1936, Page 56

"The Spectator" Crossword No, 192


IA prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first torred solution of this weel'e crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," eu,d should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The new of the winner will be published in our nest issue. Envelopes containing solutions 1r1 bear a three -halfpenny stamp otherwise they are surcharged on delivery.) 4. This is notorious in Eng- 1. Downright.

land ! 7. Part of a foot.

16. The kind of vocal music 19. Sown by wild youths! book ?

specified people. swallow!

24. Eggs. about 31. 25. Determines whether a man on the stage 23. Disappointed in slang. 28. Instrument productive of 27. rev. Owing.

30. rev. This fabric is partly 31. rev. See 17. made by all of us.

32. Jane brought before this SOLUTION TO court becomes famous. CROSSWORD NO. 191 33. Crustacean with seven pairs of legs.

34. Cite as proof. DOWN 1. Perfumed music ?

2. A bit of music.

3. Part of Canada.

4. You will have to cheat if you use this tool !

ACROSS O. A grim beginnuig on the

8. rev. Indict. first of the year.

in him !

from nothing and Comes

to nothing.

belongs to an ancient 18. In short, I have to go in an grain. 29. A hole starts from here!