Windsor. By W. J. Loftie. (Seeley and Co.)—The chief attraction
of this book lies naturally in the illustrations. These consist of twelve full-page pictures, all but the frontispiece (a reproduction in photogravure of Mr. Boehm's statue of the Queen) being etchings by well-known hands, and about sixty vignettes. The fact that these have already appeared in the Portfolio speaks for them, and we need only say that among the etchings our own preference is for "Windsor Castle from the Berkshire Shore," by Mr. H. Railton, and among the vignettes those that refer to St. George's Chapel. The letterpress of the volume, however, is of no small value. Mr. Loftie does a book of this kind about as well as it admits of being done. His account, both of the building and of its personal associations, is full of interest.