29 MARCH 1930, Page 23


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Slit,-My attention has been called by our Entomological Section to an article which appeared in your journal on March- 1st under the title " Country- Life" by Sir William Beach Thomas. Since the section on winter cleaning contains a reference to this Station and contains two important errors I hope you will allow me to correct them. First, the new and Improved variety of tar-distillate wash is the result of investi- gatirins carried out at the Loi Ashton Research Station and not at East Mailing

Secondly, whilst we have fl experimented here with many such washes, and agree that they have superseded the old caustic -wash, and have a very marked cleansing effect upon the treea, 'they are essentially winter washes, and must be applied in the dorniant season only, i.e., between November and February. We anticipate that considerable damage would result from spraying in March.—I am, Sir, &c., RONALD G. HATTON, Director.

Eait Malting ReSeardt Station, East Malting, Kent.

[Sir .William Beach Thomas writes : " The paragraph was published some time after it was written. The intention was to emphasize the value of these winter washes and to suggest that the last possible date had arrived."—En. Spectator.]