The publications of the week are peculiar. • The common books are few in number ; while several of those winch seem to challenge more attention than a mere note, are from their subject or their nature not so certain of being adapted to deliberate notice as they at first sight appear. Mr. Cum- ming's "Hunter's Life in South Africa" is an evident exception ; for a man who would banish himself from society for five years in order to (tido!# field sports in the African wilderness, must have an energetic enthusiasm in his character, that would argue vigour in the description of adventures so boldly sought,-08 we !eel by dipping, is indeed the ease. Mr. Manning's Lives of the Speakers" is a useful undertaking pre- senting in a single volume, and for the first time with any pretension to biographical notice, an account of the successive Speakers of the House of Commons. The compression of a hundred and fifteen lives into one octavo, almost necessarily renders the work more like a biographical dictionary than a collection of "hves," and sometimes Mr. Manning travels a little too deeply for his scale into family genealogy and history. The book, however, is a useful volume, and the result apparently of a good deal of reading and re- search.
"The Moohummudan Law of Sale" is a valuable book ; necessary to the Anglo-Indian whose avocations may practically connect him with what is really the law of India upon the subject, the Hindoos having none worthy of the name • and instructive to the student, not only for its in- formation but for the picture of opinions and usages which laws always contain, as well as for the metaphysical exhibition of Oriental mind in the decisions on the cases.
The Reverend Mr. Field's Life of John Howard is late. The biography which Mr. Hepworth Dixon published last autumn left little to be done as regarded the facts, or perhaps their artistical display. Neither does Mr. Field seem to aim much at novelty in this department ; his object is to give the other side of the story. Mr. Dixon pretty fully represented the plat- form in its politics, and a little in its religion. Mr. Field represents the pulpit, not exactly in its High Church, but in the Church Catechism. There is the same opposition in the styles. Mr. Dixon's, as we observed in review- ing his book, smacks strongly of the platform ; Mr. Field's, of the received style of the sermon. The entire difference in opinion has led of course to a difference in regarding facts, and we think Mr. Field has displayed more of the scholarly- archaeologist in his researches. Mr. W. S. Gibson's " Dilate's Hall" is a medley of Jacobite sympathy, Victorian loyalty, antiquarian research, ardent love of nature, and a turn for poetical quotation, employed on the ill-judged rebellion of 1715, and the life and family of one of its most ill-starred adherents—the unfortunate James Radcliffe, Earl of Derwentwater. It is a peculiarly-written book, rendered more peculiar by a touch of old fashion in its style. "Death's Jest-Book, or the Fool's Tragedy,' appears to be a clever imita- tion of the poetical but not often natural dramatic writers of the seventeenth century; dealing in unlikely incidents, extravagant characters, and inge- nious though forced thoughts, expressed in diction quaintly poetic. . "Mornings at Matlock" is a set of talcs by an able writer, that will doubtless be worth recurring to.
.Fire Years of a Sinter's Life in the Far Interior of South Africa. With Notices of the Native Tribes, and Anecdotes of the Chase of the Lion, Elephant, Hippopotamus, Giraffe, Rhinoceros, &c. By Hoopsloyn. Gordon Ciumnuig, Earl., of Altyre. With Illustrations. in two volumes. 27te Lives of the Speakers of the House of Commons. By James Alex- ander Manning, Esq., of the Inner Temple. The Moohummudan Law of Sale, according to the Huneefeea Code : from the Futawa Alumgeeree, a Digest of the whole Law, prepared by command of the Emperor Aurungzebe Alumkeer. Selected and nunslated from the Original Arabic, with an Introduction and Ex- planatory Notes, by Neil B. E. Baillie, Author of "The kteohum- mudan Law of Iiheritaria." The Life of John Howard; with Comments on his Character and Phi-
lanthropic Laboura. By the Reverend J. Field, MA. t
Dilston ; or Memoirs of the Bight Honourable James Radcliffe, Earl of Derwentwater, a Martyr in the Rebellion of 1715. To which is added, a Visit to Bamburgh Castle ; with an Account of Lord Crewe's Charities, and a Memoir of the noble founder. Forming the Second Series of Descriptive and Historical Notices of Northumbrian Churches and Castles. By William Sidney Gibson, Esq., F.S.A., &e. Embellished with a Portrait of Lord Derwentwater, and several highly-finished Engravings. Death's Jest-Book; or the Fool's Tragedy. Mornings at Matlock. By R.. Shelton Mackenzie, D.C.L., Author of "Titian." In three volumes.
Julia Howard; a Romance. By Mrs. Martin Bell. In three volumes.
The new editions, though limiteil to two, are not without interest. The history of Greek literature in the form of a biographical review of the prin- cipal authors divided and subdivided into classes—as early poets, tragic poets, historians, orators—is a reprint from the Encyclopedia iktropolitana. The principal papers have been revised by their original contributors—Mr. Justice Talfourd, Mr. Ottley, and Mr. Thompson. Mr. Pococke's articles on the Ionic Logographerit, the Pastoral Poets, and Herodotus and Xeno- phon, are new, while various additions and improvements have been made by the editor. The new edition of Mr. Cattle's " Alfred " is more curious for its associations than itself. It carries us back to the struggling days of Southey and Coleridge, when the friendly patronage of the ex- cellent bookseller of Bristol was the worldly stay of those celebrated men, and that same kindness exposed Cottle to the jokes of Canning and the more than jokes of his fellows in the Anti-Jacobin. The epic is not in the taste of the day, and perhaps Joseph Cattle's genius was hardly equal to the heroic poem at any time ; but the book must have greater merits than political impugners would allow, that has survived its half century and reached its fourth edition.
Enejedopwdia Metropolitana ; or System of Universal Knowledge, on is Methodical Plan projected by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Second edi- tion, revised. MIA Division. History and Biography. Greek Literature.
Alfred; an Heroic Poem, in twenty-four books. By Joseph Cottle Author of "Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey." Fourth edition.
Hints toward Reforms; in Lectures, Addresses, and other Writings.
. By Horace Greeley.
[An American importation; chiefly consisting of "lectures prompted by in- vitations to address popular lyceums and young men's associations,"—com- posed, it would seem, in horde. The most striking features of the book are the feeling of the writer to effect a social reform, by some of those ameliora- ting means which in Europe are called by the name of Socialism, and his statements of the difficulties which poverty ,encounters in the struggle for life even in the United States.] One Hundred Sonnets. By Henry Frank Lott.
[The subject of many of these sonnets is occasional, others relate to con- temporary persons or events, others are domestic and personal.] .Fides Laid.
IA steady Protestant's poetical attack upon Tractarianism ; firm and sharp, but not violent or unseemly in its bitterness.]
Aunt Jane's Grammar. By Miss Warren.
[A little compilation from our standard grammars, designed for children, and therefore simple.] PamrimErs.
The Gorham Case, and the Doctrine which it concerns, Considered. By James Collins, D.D.' Dean of %Hints. A Letter to the Bight Honourable Lord Denman, on the Law of Heresy and the Authority of the Clergy in Matters of Faith. By a Noncon- formist.
The Post-offwe and Sunday Labour. An Appeal to the Good Sense of the British Public : their Ancient Rights to and Privileges of "a Daily Pod." By an Englishman. Crime and its Causes. A Reply to the Attacks of the "Morning Chroni- cle" on the London Raged Schools. Reprinted from the "Ragged School Union Magazine. ' A Lay Sermon on the Influence of Free Trade, and the Instability of our National Prosperity, as based on Cotton Manufacture. By an Old Soldier.
Remarks on the County Courts Act, &c. By Samuel Joyce, Esq., of Gray's Inn, Barrister-at-law. Blackwood v. Carlyle ; a Vindication. By a Carlylian. Latter-day Pamphlets. Edited by Thomas Carlyle. No. Vii. Hud- son's Statue.