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Tins has been a quiet week at Buckingham Palace. On Saturday evening, the Queen and Prince Albert honoured the Duke and Dutchess of Sutherland with their company at the christen- ing of an infant son Prince Albert standing sponsor. The Queen and Prince Albert went yesterday to Westminster Hall, to inspect the frescoes and sculptures ; where Sir Robert Peel and other Commissioners of the Fine Arts received her Majesty.
Prince Albert's movements have been various. On Monday be pre- sided at a meeting of the Commission of Fine Arts ; and afterwards inspected the frescoes and sculptures in Westminster Hall. His Royal Highness went to the office of the Dutchy of Cornwall on Wed- nesday. On Thursday he was present at the anniversary of the Infant Qrphan Asylum at Wanstead, with which he left a donation of one hundred guineas ; and on his return inspected the Royal Exchange and the Wellington statue.
The Prince was at Exeter Hall yesterday evening during the per- formance of Mendelssohn's oratorio.
Among the company at the Royal dinner-parties have been, Lord Brougham, Mr. Hallam, Lord Melbourne, the Bishop of Norwich, Mr. Rogers, the Portuguese Minister, the Belgian Minister, the Earl of Liverpool, the Earl of Aberdeen, Lord John Russell, Viscountess Milton, and Mr. Fraser Tytler.
The Dutchess of Kent and Prince Leiningen were at Coburg, by the last accounts, and intended staying there eight days.
The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge have visited during the week the Marquis of Londonderry, the Honourable Mrs. Richard Cavendish, and the Countess of Powis.
The King of Saxony- has been making a tour in Derbyshire. Had- don Hall, Bakewell, Chatsworth, Buxton, Castleton, and Matlock, have been visited, and their wonders inspected. On Tuesday he pro- ceeded to Birmingham, and thence to Leamington and Oxford.