Tuesday, June 25.
Panting and Blackford. Malmesbury, auctherems-Aylieff and Whitelaw. Princes Street, Hanover Square, tailors-Tyrrell and Co. Leicester, pasteboard-box amituran- turers-Hiern and Ward, Stafford, atturuies -Thick and Stroughill. Lombard Street. attornies-J. and W. Hayes, Salisbury, grocers-Woodhouse and Luckman, alwiches- ter, patent linenthread-mauufacturem-Suuthey and Light. Great Chart Street, Hal- loo, cabinet-makers-Ruff and Taylor. New Windsor, tobacconists-Curd and Mackie. Leeds, drapers - Smith and Co. Southamptuu Street, Strand—Muir and Co. Pout DUE- clas, saw-mill-proprietors-Gibson and Mutes. Cheapside, silk-spinners-Go-en and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-manufacturers; as tar as regards H. Snowden and. 3. Hobson—Johusou and Doyle. Bradford within Manchester, roller- web • manufacturers. DECLARATIONs OF INSoLVENCY UNDER THs NEW ACT.
Smith, Leeds, scribbler-Pettit. Leeds, scribbler-Thomlinsuu, Leeds. plumber- South junior, Reedness, Yorkshire, kick-make - Robtusim.ktugley, Yorkshire, over- looker-Finnis. Hanuay street. Oxford Street. caner-Smith 7Lievpool lank-butcher -Bates, Evertou, Lancashire, tea-dealer-Keit, R.,mterd, Essex, Weer-retailer-P.M. otherwise Pryce, Shrewsbury, victualler-Philput, Mordeu. victualler - Coheir, Ro-
cheater, hawker-Taylor, Lewisham. stationer- Kens . Liverpool Street, Bishop.. gate, general-shopkeeper-M. Adams, Hy the. Essex, pe-maker -J. Adams. Myths, Essex, rope-maker-Welch. Great Yarmouth, chape erksz-Horn. Oxford, baker-. Briggs. Leeds, carrier—Mills. Rockford, Essex, carpenter—Whitington. Walcet Square, Lambeth, out of business-Senior. Manchester. candlewick-manufacturer- Brook, Claremont Mews, Peutunvilles cabriolet proprietor-Puttuam, Northampton. fishmonger-Pope junior, Fluchley. farmer-Brothers, Norwood, Lieuteuaut R.N.- Turner, Eccles, Lancashire. attorney. resinmeter. SOUTHEY, S., South Street, Flusbury Market, furniture-manufacturer, June 24. HANKR07111.
ASHLEY. Thomas, Lyoushall. Herefordshire, builder, to surrender July 5. Si: era. citors, Mr. Heath, Warwick ; Mr. Rodeuhead, Siugton ; Mr. Smith, Birmingham; ollty, vial assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham. ASIIHAM, STEPHEN, Bradford, Yorkshire, commission-agent, July 6. 27: solicitors. Messrs. Hawkins and Co. New Boswell Court; Mr. Ridehalgh, Bradford; official assignee. Mr. Fearne, Leeds. Boma, ZACHABIAH. Manchester, brickmaker, July 5. 26: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; Mr. Blair, Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Hobson. Manchester. Howe. Jamas, Abcburch Lane, Victualler, July 3, Aug. 7 : solicitor, Mr. Yawdrey, Granville Place; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings. HODGSON, RICHARD, Bishop Auckland, mercer, July 8, Aug. 7 : solicitors. Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; Mr. Mawson. Manchester; Mr. Crain, Newcastle upon- Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. HOWARTH, JOHN, Rochdale, woollen-manufacturer. July 10. 26 : solicitors. Messrs. Cragg and Jeyes, Harpur Street, Red Lion Square ; Mr. Hunt, Rochdale ; Official as- signee, Mr. Slanway, Manchester. OPPSNHE1M, CHARLES Fox. George Street. Minories, shipowner, July 4, 30: solicitor. Mr. Spyer. Broad Street Buildings ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. READ, WILLIAM ROBERT, Winchester Street. King's Cross, builder. July 2, Aug. 6: solicitors, Messrs. Buchanan and Grainger, Basingliall Street; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore, Basiughall Street. WOLFENDEN, Thomas, and PRESTWICH, Joan. Oldham, cotton-spinners, July 8, 26 : solicitors, Messrs. Juhuson and Co. Temple; Mr. Putter, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester. WOOD, JOHN FREEMAN, Oxford. surgeon, July 3. 29: solicitors, Messrs. Pownall and Cross, Staple Wu ; Messrs. Walsh and Dayman, Oxford; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court, Basingliall Street. DIVIDENDS. July 17, Palmer, Mincing Lane, colonial broker -July 17, Butcher, Holborn Hill, china dealer-July 17, Newman. Whitechapel, saddler -July 19, Davies. Bristol. iron-
master-July 16, Muir, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper -July 16. Allinson, Whitehaven,
ironmonger-July 18. Booth and Seale. Sheffield, iroumasters-July 16. Garsed, Halifax, cloth-dresser-July 16. Nicholson. Liverpool, hatter-July 17, Dakeytie and Wanklyn. Mauchester. flax-spinners-July 17, Wrigley, Halifax. silk-waste spinner- July 16, Marston, Manchester, yarn-merdiant-July 17, Smith, Tipton, Staffordshire, grocer-July 17, Cooke, Leicester, glove-manufacturer-July 24, Showell, Birmiug ham, bookseller. CERTIFICATES. To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. July 17, Dowle, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, wine-merchaut-July 16, M. and R. Ramsay, Scotswood, Northumberlaud, piper-manufacturers-July 16, Muir, New-
castle upon-Tyne. draper-July 15, Messenger. Lougcroft, Cumberland, farmer-July 16, Reel e, Liyerpoo1, fruiterer-July 24, Burkill, Louth. Liucolushire, merchant-July 19, Hodson, Leominster, lineudraper-July 22, Morrey, Stratford-upon Avon. publican. To be granted, unless cause be shown lathe contrary, on or bef Ire Jay 16. Sauuders, Golden Square, boarding-house keeper-Bell, Norwich, surgeon.
Tait. Liverpool, merchant ; third dir. of td. July 3, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Murgan, Liverpool-Evans, Liverpool, coal dealer; second div. of Is. 31d. July 3, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool-Richardson, Liverpool. mer- chant; first die. of 31d. June 26, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. alorgaii, Liter. pool-Wood, Liverpool, optician ; second div. or 5d. June 26, or any subsequent Wed nesday ; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool-Unsworth, LiverpooLjoiner; second div. of 3s. 11W. June 26, or any sabsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool -Wilcock and Co. Ulverstone, Lancashire, parer-manufacturers ; second and final div. of 'id. and 3 10ths of a penny, (in addition to 2s. 9d. previously declared.) June 29, or any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne--Cawood, Sunderland-nearthe-Sea, to- bacconist; first and final div. of Is. 6d. (on new proofs), June 29, or any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Baker, Nee castle-upou.Ts oe-Jardine, Richibucto, New Brunswick, merchant; first div. of 3d. Juue 27, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool-Pearce, Stone. Staffordshire, miller ; first div. of 8d. any Thursday; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham-S. L. and R. L. Polack, Manchester, merchauts; first div. of 2s. 6d. July 2, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Lucas, Bramp- ton. Derbyshire, irontlitinder ; final div. of 2s. 22d. July 2, or any subsequent Tues- day; Mr Fraser, Manchester-Simose, King Square, Goswell Road, watch-mauufac- turer ; first div-. of 2s. 6d. June 26, and three following Wednesdays; Mr. Groom, Ab- church Lane-Hitchcock, Regent Street. linendraper ; fourth div. of Id. June 26, and three following Wednesdays ; Mr. Groom. Abchurch Laue-Alsop, Manchester. grocer; first div. of 125. July 2, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Norton. High Huy-toed, Yorkshire, fancy waistcoat-manufacturer ; second div. of 7-16ths of a kenuy. any Wednesday ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Kilpin. Ryde, watch maker ; nrst div. or 5s. 9d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Graham. Coleman Street-Lee and Co. Bread Street, factors; seventh die. of Dd. any Wednesday; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street- Gibson, Liverpool. stockbroker; first div. of 2r. 6d. June 29, or any subsequent Satur day; Mr. Bird, Liverpool-Bird, Liverpool, chemist ; third div. of 3d. June 29, or any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Bird. Liverpool-Everell, Liverpool, coal-merchant; first div. of Is. June 29, or any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Bird, Liverpool-- Cradock Stockton on-Tees, pateut sail-clod-manufacturer; first div. of 2s. 9d. June 26, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.
FRASER, J., Edinburgh. mason, July 1.22. WC...warm, J.. Glasgow, auctioneer, July 1, 2'2. Nrsesr, A., Edinburgh, Wright, July 1, 22. STEUART, J., Kincardine, farmer, June 29, July 22.
Friday, June 28.
r- Ices and June% King's Cross, varnish-makers-W. and G. Whitehouse. Redditch, needle-manufacturers-Thompson and Henry, Liverpool• attornies-Troscott and Glo- ver, Lawrence Lane. warehousemen-Kenworthy and Bradley, Thorillee Brook, Lan- cashire, cotton-printers-R. and E. G. Henderson, Warkwortl, Northumberland, far- mers-Dyer and Purdy, St. George's Terrace, Islington, surgeons-Tomlinson and Rus- sell, Tottenham, pawnbrokers-Buck and Fraser, Ipswich, drapers-Davy and Straton, Chumleigh, Des oushire, surgeons-Hickson and Rout, High Street, Newington Butts, grocers-Burrows and Sons, Houndsilitch, confectioners; as far as regards M. A. Bur- rows-Nash and Sons, Reigate, Ian:I-agents ; as far as regards J. Nash senior-Hous- ton and Hiddelston, Aberystwith, tea-dealers-Smith and Son. Manchester, engravers -Colley and Co. Sheffield, merchants ; as far as regards H. Colley'-Phillips and Marshall, Smethwick, Staffordshire, grocers - Nicholsuu and Wood, Newark-upon- Trent, stonemasons-Lloyd and Dais, Liverpool. shoe-dealers-Brierley and Co. Lei- cester, carders-Forbes and Co. Paisley. flair-dealers-Vosper and Sargent, Devon- port. linetsdrapers. DECLARATIONS OF INSOLVENCY UNDER ME NEW ACT.
Gates, Peckham, saddler-Newsome, Batley, Yorkshire, engineer-Haddock, Not- tingham, out of business-Woodward, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer-Webb, Former- ton, Gloucestershire, butcher-Swan, Ipswich, victualler-Rutley, Bromley, Middle- sex, carpenter-Dobby, Brownlow Mews, Russell Square, cab proprietor-Quelch junior. Reading, hairdresser-Senior, Manchester, candlewick•manuracturer-Cone, Edgbaston. Warwickshire, commission-agent-Barker, Pontefract, joiner--Pratt, Dun- stable. straw-bonnet-blocker-Ludbrook, Simons. Cambridgeshire, watchmaker-Whit- ting, Deptford, plumber-Williams, Camden Town, box-maker-Weston, Vaughan Terrace. Shoreditch, agent-Turner. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. colliery-viewer-Polking- home, Plymouth, out of business-Simmouds. Brighton, commercial-traveller-Bar- nard, Brempton, Kent, coal-meter-Collis, Berkeley Street, Clerkenwell. coal-mer- chant-Tucker, Bath, coffeehouse-keeper-Bragg, Prittlewell, Essex, grocer -Rush- worth, Bradford, Yorkshire, teardealer-Crawshaw. Rochdale, woollen-weaver-Wil- son, Sclater Street, Bethnal Green. trimming-manufacturer.
PLETCHER, JOSEPH, Liverpool, paint-manufacturer. to surrender July 10, 30: soli. citors, Mr. Oliver, Old Jewry ; Mr. Evans, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Li- verpool. Ilanelese, CHARLES. Sheffield. anvil-manufacturer. July 10, 31: solicitors, Mr. Dun- can, Featherstone Buildings; Mr. Cowin, Sheffield; Mr. Blackburn, Leeds; official assignee. Mr. Young. Leeds. HETHERINGTON, ROBF.RT, Cross Canonhy, Cumberland, tanner, Julys, Aug. 2: soli- citors, Mr. Tyson, Mammies; Mr. Cram, Newcastle-upon-Tyue; assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle uphn-Tyue. Howmirsn, ROBERT', Thame, auctioneer, July 5, Aug. 12; solicitor, Mr. Stormy, Wel- lington Street, Loudon Bridge;p4ficial assignee. Mr. Graham, Coleman Street. PRITCHARD, EDWARD. Liver , wine-merchant, July 10, 30: solicitors, Messrs. Humphreys, Gray's Inn ; Mess* Stockley and Co. Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Mauer, Liverpool. WETENHALL, JOHN, Throgmorton Street, stockbroker, July 10, Aug. 7: solicitor, Mr. King. St. Mary Axe: official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basiughall Street.
July 19, Staples, Southampton, milliner-July 18, Salter, Davies Street. builder- July 19, Stockdale, Crosby Square. merchant-July 18, Stein and Co. Fenchurch Street. merchants-July 18. Greenslade, Swinton Street, Gray's luu Latin, builder- July 18, Cockerill, Reedharn. Norfolk, butcher-July 23, Pitt. Selby, wine-merchant- July 27, Grimahaw. Rawcliffe, Yorkshire, grocer-July 19, M. and W. Johuson, Cheadle, Staffordshire, grecers-July 19, Barnes, Portsea, innkeeper.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day eluding. July 19, Boor, Lower Thames Street eating-house-keeper-July 20, Sillitoe.Sud- bury. innkeeper-July 20. Bird, St. Jidm's Square, watch-manufacturer-July 20. S. and S. Symonds, Basinghall Street, woollen factors-July 19, Goertz, New Windsor,. upholsterer-July 19. Woudroffe. Chepstow, wine merchant-July 19. Robertson, Li- verpool, merchant-July 19, Fletcher, Sedgley, Staffordshire, maltster -July 20, Watley junior, Nottingham. upholsterer-July 19, Lewis, Derby. straw bonuet-maker. To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or be f,re July 19. Lewis, Bristol, carpenter-Barnes. Portsea, innkeeper-Nall, Chesterfield. grocer- Metcalf, Liverpool, grocer-Joseph, late of Richmond, oilman-Graham, DocerStreet, singing-master-Wright, Shiffual. Shropshire. cutler.
Clapham, Liverpool. woollen-draper; second die. of 2s. (in addition to 5s. in the pound, previously declare-I) on July 1, or any subsequent Monday; Mr. Turner, Liver- pool-Webster; second die. of 9d. (in addition to Is. 6d. in the pound, previously declared,) on July 1, or any subsequent Monday ; Mr. Turner. Liverpool-Morrell and Liverpool, merchants; fourth and float div. of 21-32ds. ore. penny, on July 1. or any subsequent Monday; Mr. Turner, Liverpool-Paddou, Hartlepool. chyrnist ; first div. of Is. 24d. on July 3, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Wakley, Newcastle- upon-Tyne-J. and H. Goddard. Market Harborough, Leicestershire. bankers; second div. of 4s. and div. of 20s. on each of the separate estates, ou July 2, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.
Ateoeftsow, J., Portobello, earthenware manufacturer, July 2, 24. M. EWEN, W., and CHitisaag, A., CAW, ironmongers, July 1, 27. MUNRo, J.. Dingwall, Riess-shire, distiller, July 1. Aug. 5. WALKER. W. and Co.. Edinburgh, engineers. anly 5, 30.