THE following list of divisions is as accurate as we have been able to make it, by inserting all the corrections which we have found in the Daily Papers. Still, however, it is no doubt inaccurate in some in- stances: but again we ask, as we have repeatedly asked before, why will the members of the House of Commons permit their votes to be misrepresented, when nothing would be more easy than for them- selves to publish authorized and correct lists of the Divisions, and thus prevent the complaints of inaecurary which they are constantly making against those furnished by the newspapers ? Lord Cuant.Es Frrzitov says that the injustice of these lists lies in their inac- curacy; Mr. J. W. Score complains, that his name has been s) - tematically omitted in them ; and Mr. WILLRAIMM speaks of the ignorance or inattention of those persons who furnish them. We differ from Mr. WILBRAHAM on this point, and think that they are sur- prisingly accurate, considering the mode in which they are necessarily made out. But what folly it is for members to be tilling the news- papers with these idle complaints, instead of adopting the easy means of removing the evil complained of!
No. 1. Mr. STANLEY'S motion. on the 21st June, to expunge thee 147th elause front time Irish Church Reform 13111. Majority marked A ; Minority, N Absent, [Messrs. W. Hun., L. OLIPHANT, C. J. R. Tvs•rE, and W. A. lt,tywruN., paired off against, and General SHARPE and Colonel GREY in favour of Mi nisters.] — 2. Mr. FINCH'S motion, on the 27th June, for the Suppression of Political Unions. Majority marked A; Minority, N ; Absent, — 3. Sir OSWALD MOSLEY'S motion, on the 26th June. to prevent Jews from being eligible to Seats in Parliament. M Moray mark, s1 N; Majority not published — 4. Sir ions HAv's motion, OD the 26th June', to reduce the qualification for voting for Councillors in the Scottish Hi rghms. Minority marked N ; Majority nut published.
1 ,.., 0., ' 1 4
i ' I .., / MEMBERS' NAMES.
/ 1 2
N — N - A A
'x • - — 1g —
re -
— - A - -- N _I
. —I
IN IA l — , A,-
! ... 1—
-. - N • -
i — — 1 ,—
A: —
A —
.4. I — — N
- —
N -
— —I —
— A I A A
A — A -
A — - —
A _ A - A — A — 4. — A — N — - - N —
• —
N -
— N — A - N — — — t. — A -
- -
N.' A
-' ' - 1 -;
3 N ' Di N
Abercrombie, J., Eden. City. Acheson, Visa.. Armaghshire Adalil, Aa:B., Kinr. P.,.0 lock.C. Adams. E. II., Carmarthen C. Aglionby, 11., Cockermouth.. Agnew. Sir A., Wigton C.... Althorp, Visa., Nurf komp... Andover. Ld.. Malmesbury . . Anson, lion. G.. Yarmouth.. Anson, Sir G. 1,ielyield .... Apslev, Lord, Cirencester . .. Arlrat-hnot, Gen. H., Alward. A relielall, Gen ,FcrinanagItC. Ashley, Lord, Dorsetshire. . . Astley, Sir J.. Norfolk. W. . Astley, Sir .1. l)., I riltshire.N. Atherlev, A., Southampton .. Attwoml, M., WhitehaVen... AD wood. T.. Birmingham ... Baillie, J. E., Bristol Bainbridge, E. T., Taunton
Baldwin, Dr.. Cork City Balfour, J., Haddington
Bankes, W. J., Dorset C
Bannerman.A...-Therdeen City Raring, A., Esser N. . . ... . .
Raring, F. T., Portsmouth Raring, W.B. lliMehester Baring, H. 13. 11,1r:borough
daring, F.. Thetford
arnard, E. G , Greenwich lremett, .1. C.. Maidstone ..
IEE011, II. W., fraterfUrda
arry, G. S., Cork C tteson, Sir It.. Derry C tyntun. S.. York City
rancicrk, Maj. A.. Surrg, E
.aumont,T. W., Northem.S elfast, Earl of, Antrim C
.11, M.. Northern. E elleW, R. M.. Louth C. enett. J., If iltshire.S.
ent im.k. Lel.G. King's Lynn irk-h,, I I on..G., Gloue. II% erkeleV, II a C. F.. Chellts.
ernal. IL Rochester crnard.11n.W.Bandonbridge ethell. R., York. E hhiMph, R. M., Denbigh C
idtiOlp11, R.. Hereford City
ish, T., Leominster
lake, M. J.. Galwao laCkSIODC, W., Tralingford
lake, Sir F., Berwick
lakeney, W., Carlon, C. .
landford.litar.of, /flood:fork linnire, W., Cumberland, E. ;laney . Capt. C., Munaih. C. ■ lent, Sir C. R.. Lewes killing, W., Bolton
005. .1. C., 2Vorthal.
emmiverie, I Ion. D., Salisbury
OWt•S, 3., Parham V
:VWVS, T., nyntouth
Irig,„es. R. j., Halifax ;rigstock, W. I'.. Sumerset,E.
N - A - A -
— — N A • - - A. A -
- - - - A —
A -
• -
A -
- - — — A — A — N A - -
N - N -
- - -
A -
• —
• A - - - -
- -
N -
• - A —
- - N A N A A - A - N -
— —
A -
A — — — - -
A -
- - - - - -
- - - - - - N A - - - - - - A — — — Iv —
- - NI - A - ; N
N• N N N N N :•••
Ir.........m.. 1 Briseor, J. L. SUITtl, E... .. .,
Brorklehurst, .1.. 31acc11 sficld
■ Itio,iie. NV. it SoWory . .. .1
! lero:hertotx, 3., Salford • Brougham, J., !tendril ' IinimMam, W., Southwark .
. It rem :me, D., logo 4. Browne, J., Mini., C. . Bruce, Lord l:.. Marlborough' Bruce .(.. L.. Thrrrness Burghs! Brudenell, Lel., Nortimmie. NJ Buckingham, .1. 5., sh,,,,i,./d.!
it olkeloy.Sir R. W., Assicseeli— Buller. C., 1.iskr-Ord Buller, .1. W.. I.% . t, Buller, F., Steetrerd, N.
!Wheel, J., Der', S Bulwer, E. 1,., Vcroin Itniwer, Ii. L.. l'..-entry 1
Burdett. Sir F. iresteeaem ;ter Burre.11, Sir C.. Shoreham —
Burton, 1 1. P., 13crerley ... I Butler, lion. l'.. Eithenny -: Buxton, T. F.. Weymouth— SYlig. sir J. Poole Ilyng, G.. Mtd,lleser Callender. J. II., ...-leole C
Caleraft, G. H., 11 areham Cavley, E. S., Yorkshire, N Callaghan, D.. Cork ( ify ('alley, T., CricLadr ,—
Calvert, N.. lie r!fin- el (' 1 CaMpbell, Sir J.. Dudley. • . 1 Carew, R. S., Tri,,r.,thrd C 1-
Carter. 3,, It.. Portsinsoth . .
Carl Wright. W„Nt+EIVIBMIL S
Castlereagh. Via.. Down C..
Cavendish, Lord, Derby. N Cavendish, 1 I n. (7„Suss,..,., E j Cavendish.Col.11., Derby Tr, 1
Cayley, Sir C. Scmfmrot;gh. 1 tIlmandos, Mar., 1;:rcbs I
Chaplin, T., .tds,./7,re/
Chapman, A., LI hilby / Chapman, M. L., Westmeath: Chayter. W. It. C., Durham. Chaytor. Sir W., Sunderhmd. Clietwyna.0 apt .W.Steyfierd I Chiehester,J.P.B.Barastap/ei (•Itiehester, Lord A.. Reltiest I— Childers, J. W.. Ce:mbrid;e C. 4 7hristmas,.1.. Waterfordeity' Clay. W.. Tower Hamlets .. .' Clayton. Lieut.-Col. Marlene (live. E. B.. Hereford I Clive. lion. R. 11., Salop, S Clive, Via. Ludlow Clements. Vi,.. Leitrim
( obbett, NS .. Oldham i
Cockerel]. Sir C., Freshens. 1-,- Codrington, Sir E., Deronport A Cole. Hon. A., Enniskillen I A Cole. Vis.,Fermanaghslaire . A Colley, .1., Cricklade Collier. .1.. Plymou,k IN Colquhoun, J. C. Dumbar C I A (....1 ri,....--trt ; .
1 1 1 1
• I d • 4
. MILitNIVAS. N Ames.
Coaes. T. II . Worre,ter, E. Cooper, E.. Sli!:o C. Cooper. lion. A. Dorchr,der Coon., Sir C.. queen's C. Cop.darel, All., Col:rain COrnish, James, Corry, Hon. 11.. Tyrone
Cates, J.. Salop. N
Crawley, S., Bedford Town
Cripps. J ('ire ,wester
Crompton. I . Ripon
Chrtels. E. B.. Rye
Curteis, Susses, E. .
Dalremple. Sir J.. Edin. C.
Iced. . .
Daly. J., Galway C Dare. IL W. II.. Essex. S. .
Poslin4ton, I:a• I of, Salop. S. ilitsliwoo.!. G. I I ., Bucks. . . . Davenport, J . Potteries Davies, cr. II..Worcester . .
1/awstm, E., Le,cester.
Denison. E J.. Nottinylnon,S
Denison. W. .1 ,Surry.
Dick, Q., kleo'don
n. L. . GiumOrgan.
Divett. T Exeter Dobbin. 1.... Armayh Donkin, Sir II., Hero irk . . .
Duffield. V. T., Abingdon . .
Dttgdal IV. S.. Iiiira•irk. N Duncanuon.Vis., Nottingham 17,11nroinhe. Hon . l,rh, N. Dumb's, Illon..1. Richmond . Dundas, 1ln. Sir IL, Richmond PIMA:kg, Cap.J. D., Greenwich Dunlop. J., Kilmarnock Dykes, F. L.13.. Cockermouth
Eantnor, Viii.. Reigate
Ebrington. Viii.. Pcmat. N..
E;(1wards, Col. Montgomery Euerton, W, Cheshire. N Ellice, Edward. Cocentry. Elliott. lion. G.. Roxburgh . .
Ellis. W., Leicester Es:court. T. IL, arf'ord Univ.
Eiwall, R.. Andmo4. Evans, Colonel. Westminster Evans, 'W., Leicester
Evans, G.,, Dublin C.
Ewart. NV.. Liverpool
}giving. J.. Glasloto .
Faithful. G.. Brighton Fa umart, Major. Barnstaple Fazakerley. J., Peterborough
Fellowes. H.. "'adorer
Fellows. Iii. N., Peron, N Fenton, C., Hoditersfichi Fenton, J.. Rochdale Fergussou.Sir E Nottingham Fergusson. G.. Haar C. . . . . Fergussan,SirR.Londonderry
Pergusson.11., Dysart . . . .
Fereusson. R. C. Airkrudbrt.
Fiehlen. SV.. Blarliburn Fielden. J., Oldham Fincli, G., Stamford Filn. W. P.. Kilkenny C. ..
Wi zgendil, T.. Louth C
El zgibbou.11n.11.LimerickC
F. ,zroy. J Thelfbrd • zroy, 1.001 C., Bury St. E. Fi zsimon. C., Dublin C Fi zsinion. N., Kings C- • • • • Fleetwood. II., Preston Fleming. Ad rn.. Stirang FoIey. E . Heref.rd C Foley..!. if. H.. Proitwich. Folkes, Norrdlt. W Forties, Lord. Lonyfi,ed • • . • VW, Canterbury . Forester, IN. G. C.. Wenloc.k Forster. J. C.. Walsall Fort, J., Ciitheroe
Ice.. S. I.., lie/stone Taristork
Frankland, Sir It.. Thersk , Fremantle.Sir T.. Buckingm French. F. Rosamanon C. . .
Fry Tr, It., Wolverhampton
Galway. J. M. Waterford C
Gasket', J. M.. ii ',stock .
G kell, D., Wakefield Galan, W. D., Falkirk Gisborne, T., Derby. N.
Gladstone. W. E., Newark . . Gladstone, T.. Portarlinyton Glyune, Sir 5 Kint Godson. 11.„ Kidderminster Gordon, II., Criek.Ude Gordon, Cpt.W. Aberdeen C. Gore. M.. Devizes Goring. II. D.. Shoreham . Goulburn. II.. Cambridge U. Graham.Siri umbertandE.
Grant, Rt. n. C.. Insets C.
Grant, R., Finsbury Grant. F. W.. Elgin ly Nairn Grattan. H.. Meath C. Grattan, 3., Blektow C. Greene. 'f • G , Lancaster Grey, lion. Cot, Wycombe . Grey. Sir G.. bcwmport Grimstnne, Viii.. Herts C.. . Gronow, CO. it. I I..Staill,rd Grosvenor, Earl. Cheshire. . . Grosvenor, 1.0. It ..ChcsterCi.
Grate. G. London
Guest, J. lifer! hyr Tydril Guise. Sir Ii.W., Gtoucesfr r. E.
Gully, J. Pun'efrart flaJcomb..1.. Poor Halylnirt6n. Ii. G.. Fltrfir C.
Habind, H.. Leicester, S...
1141, ii , Monmouth Hulse. J.. St fret Ilainiley, 11.. !Armin. S Haindley, B., Boston Handley, W. F.. Newark Haar.aer, Sir 3.,Shresestairy. Moamar, Cot., cfylesbary 1 Z 3 4 -1----
- 4
N - A
A - A -
N - A - N A - - N
- - A - A - A - AA
N - N - N A -
- - N - N A A - - A - - - -
N A N- A - A N
N, - A I- A 1- M. esters's NAME/ - G. V. Octin•J C.. A I lAriinize, Sir IL, Liatneee..4, A - I Nueldan N - J., Bret.11411. A A i13rvey. D. . Cid/heater • N A Hawes.. IL Leoubrth \ - Hass Mess. J. 11., „, N - Hay. Col. I.., E11;r6 . - A Hayes. D.meyea C.... A - II a2.., Sir J rAles (.! A - I ,athente. Sir G.. Rutland - - I leatheobs, G. J.. Lincoln C A A I eatlicutv, J., Tire rton N - II etiengv. G. F., Jon - - Henniker,;o,yloh A - IIerbVrt. I loll. S., h s . A - Heron, Sir IL, P../..rbortv,h N - If PL Hes, lit. un..1 .U. llorech. A Lord A.. Marne - Sir It ...Salop. N. - M D.. llea s A Loyd NI., Neu•ry • Hodees, T. L.. A J., Newcastle A Hop, Sir A., Lin.ithev. C.. . - II op.., II. T., (1.'ourester • II ortihy, E Warrington . . A Horne, Sir W.. ilarylehone. . A Hoskins, K., HerrArd C. . N :lotham, Lord, Leominster A Houl,lsworth. T., A'utts. N A Hots ant, 11.i. F. G., Moryeth - floe ard, P. II.. Carlisle
Howard, R., Wicklow •
Hun irk, Vis..Northumb. N.. • Hodson. T.. Eyeshot's. ..... N Hughes, Oxford Ci. A
If .1,
Humphrey. 3., Southwark. . N
I I eir, . It., Horsham lint:, IV., Hull
II yet% W.. Stroud A Ingham, R., South Shields . A Sir W. A., /Micah:. S. N Inglis, Sir R. II , U.Vord U. . A Dion, John, Cumberland- . - James, NV., Car:irk Jeffrey. F.. I.d. Ad., Edin. C A Jelok‘on, C. I). 0 , .17allate . N Jeratyu, Ear1,-Bury- .. A i inrhani, Hu. IL, Port/f A
Jervis..1 , Chester
JuhliAutit., 3. V., Scarboh. A Joloedone..1. 3. II.. Dumfries - Johnstone, A., St...4ndrew.s. Johnstone, Sir F., Weymouth Colonel, II. Jones. Ca pt.T.. Londondy. C. - Keane, Sir It.. Waterford C. - Kemp, T. II., Kennedy, 'I'. F.. Ayr Kerrisom Sir E. Bt., Eye - Kerry. Earl or, Cane A Reined'. Ho. G., Norfidk. E A Key. Sir J., London King, E. B., !Vorzeit* Knatchbull, Sir E.. Kent, E Knox. 110. Col. 3.3.. lamps A Labonchen•, II., Taunton .. A Lalor, P.. Queen's C Lamb, lion. Dungarron Lambert. IL. IVerford C. .. Larnbton, II., Durham, N. . r4. Lamont. Norman, Wells- . A Langdale, C., Beverley Langston, J. IL, Orford City A Laugton.Col.G.. Somerset,E. A Leach, 3.. Surry. W.
Lee. J. L. IL, Wells N - Lefey re, C. S.. Hants. N. • • • - Lefroy, Dr. T.. Dublin Univ Lefroy, A., Longfird C. • - - Lemon. Sir C., Cornwall, E. • - Lennon', Sir T. IS., Esser, S Lennard. T. IL, Ma/dos N - Lennox, Lonl A., Chiukeers A - Lennox, Lord G., Sussex. W _ - Lennox.Lord W., Kg's. Lynn _ - I ester, B. L., Poole • - Lewis, Rt. Ito. T..P.adnorC A - Lincoln, Earl of, Notts, S.. A - Lisler. E., Bradford N - Littleton, E. .1 S A A Lloyd..!. 11.. Stockport A 1.001, Kirka•all, 6-C A -
1.0eke, W., Devises A
Lopez. Sir It. F.. Westbury N Lowther, Via., Cumberland . lowther, Col.. Westmoreland A Lumley, Vis . Ned tinyham. N A Lushington. Dr. S., Tou•erJi A I vall. G. London. . . . A Lygon,Col.H.B., WOreeS'..IV A - I4 nat. A. IL. Goltray N - aherley, Col. NV., Cho !ham A - Mar:Imlay. 'I'. B.. /.e.eds - A - Mdelo•uzie..1.,/tors Cramrty A Macleod, R., SuMer/and C A - 41' N ice, ra. Clare N - NUN:morn. F.. FIVIiS Mcok. lc,. J., Denbigh
Mand••••••11e. Vbc.. Huntingdon -
Nla miles, 1 , GuildArd A Nlanners, Leicester,N - - Marjo] ihank., C., Berwick C - - 41.41 joril units. S., /tothe - - Marry:it, Sandwich A - M.trshall. Leedr M.d. nd, sreakpart . - - M N - Martin, J., Tewheshury N - Mirth', T., CaluCola,,C
ma 3/field, W., Grimsby
Maxwell. IL, Cavan C A Mnxwell, .1. W., Downpatrich - Maxwell. Sir.!.. Paisley, A Maxwell, .1 Lanark C A
Millman, P., Wilts, Ar. "5 A
Mey nen, Capt. II., Lisburne ildinay. P. St. J., Winches/ A - - Miller, W. IL, Newcastle.. • A
Mullins, V. 4., K rry C.
111111'W...1. A., Nate, lie It., Westmeath • • Neale, Sir 11., Ly»on3ton . Neobl, J., Chippenham . . . , Newark.): is.,East Rerford Nehect. J.. Cardiff
Noel, Sir G. N., Ma'am! C -i-
Norrr) s. Lord. Oxford (' A !- North, Frederick, Hastings. A. - O'Brico, C.. Clare
Tippry O'Conta.11, C., Kerry C. . .
O'Connell. D., Dublin City NI-
01',:nnell. J.. .
NImgan..1k„tu N 'Ma flee. N - O'Connor, O., RovonnInun . N - 0 Connor, F.. Cork C. OTA,r, rt., A. C., Drogheda - A (1. Fet ral R. M., Kildare . N - O'Grady Ilie.Col.S..Limk.C. - Oliphatic. Perth - A Eli, U n. 3....Intron C A -
_ -
W.. Pundit/k
Ord. W., ,Vesepart Ormelie, Earl of. Perth • Ossulston,lord,Noehumb.N.
Oswahl, James, Glasgow .
Ok.wald, It. A., Ayr C Owen, 0 ., Pembroke Owen, Sir J., Pembroke C. . Oxman tow EI. IA.. King's C Patten, .1. NV., Lancaster. N
P.•••et r.,Bovienaris
Paget, Sir C., Carnarvon - P.iltner, Gen., Bath Painter. C. F.. Reading Palmer, It.. Berkshire A Palmerston, \ is., Hants, S. A Parker, .1.. Shef•eld ' A Parker, Sir Hyde. Safrolk,W - Parnell, Sir IL, Dundee N Parrot. J., redness
Pease..I .. Durham. S Pei:hell, Sir J., Windsor .
Peel. ..!ir IL, Tamworth Peel. Col. J., Huntingdon . . Pelham, lion. C., Lincoln, S.
Wilda eves, II., Cornwall, E .T. S., Southampton Petinuldneke, 0., Wilton .
Pepys. C. C., Mutton
Peretn al, A., Sligo C. A
Perrin. Sing., Mmusahan .
Prim., Hon. E.. York City
Peter, W., Bodmin A Phillipps, C. M.. I.eicester,N. A Phillips, Sir G.. If 'strait*, S. A Phillips, M.,. Manchester N Fnillipps„Sir R., Haverfordw. - Phillpotts, J., Gloucester A Pigott, R., Bridgenorth A Pinney, W., Lyme A Plamore, :r. P., Kent, E. A Pollock. F.. Huntingdon .
Ponsonhy, NV. F.. Dorset.. A
l'Otter, II.. Iligrat
Polak% J.. Shaftesbury A
Powell. (7ol. W., Cardigan C A Poyntz. W. S., Ashburton A Price, Sir it.. Ileriford C.. , A Price. R., Radnor Pringle, A., Seileirk C.
Pryse, F., Cardigan Pryme. G., Cambridge A Pugh. D., Mortlyomery . - Ramshottom, J., indsor - It amsden, J. C.. Ma/ton Reid, Sir J. II.. Dover A Ricanlo, D„ Stroud like. 'F. s., Cambridge A Richards. Knaresborough N Matron', \V., ifyiesbury.. A Rider, T.. Kent, IV Ridley. Sir M. W., Newcastle A R ippon, C..Gateshead It oharts, A. NV.. Maidstone A Robinson. G. R., Worcester N
Bache, Limerick City
Ruche, W., Limerick City N
Roe..1., CasheU
Roebuck, 3. A., Bath
Rolfe, It., Penryn . E., Ludttae
R ly, .1.. Bridport
Ruhayne, D., I:tannic/I
Brayer, 3. IL, Heading don C.. NiorthalAptOlt A Ross. IL. .lJe,n) A
notch, IL, Knaresborough. A
IC utnladd, (7. E., Yarn:nu/h A Russell, C.. firfilliny ion, .1 , Deeon, S lo sel I. Lord F.. Bedfierd C I: • esell. Lord, Taristoek NV. C , orrester. E.
oth‘ en, F.. S , City. It a) liven, F. .j en,. Kildare C.
It yle..I.. Mare/vs./is*, S lard. E. A.. Somerset •••;onlon, Vi.. Liverpool . Sc nrkrmo. II., Cutely stern.
S. arlet t, Sir J., Norte ie h..
Srliolet•eld. J.. Birminvhont
:••••••ott. Sic E. D., Lichfield. .
Scott, J. W., Rants, N.
Serope, G. P., Stroud Seale, Lt...Col.. Dartmouth Eebright, Sir J.. Ilerts C.
Sharpe, (Jun., Ditafries INJOIFS.
Shaw, F., Dublin Cui.
• Sh....we, Ii. N.. Sopa
: Sinclair, G., Ca:harss Shell, It. I,„Tieperary Shepperil. T.. PrinIte Simeon, Sir It.. Isle es//Vip/ui Skip...hi.. Si' 13../Carfekk,S 1 Sidney. R. A.. Stireer:bury3. ; Smith. Don. R., /Cycombe Sinilli..1., li:uhs C. ; Smith, J. A. ChIeheSter. I Smith, T. A.. t 'orn...rran C iSrtilti, TI. V., .Vrticimptceu.
• Spankic. Sorg.. .Finsbury . . . .
Spencer, Dn. hlidhurst • Spry, S., /lodotin Stanley. .1., Cheshire. Stanley. E. G , Idncoster, N.
.64..1,1.1', I T.. Presto.' . . . Stanley, E.. Cumber:4,i,', W. Staunton. She II.. Hants, S.. .
Staveley, J. K., Flippo* Stawell..Coloccel. PnsalC Stewart, Sir 11, *rope C
Stewart. E., tri.quen Dis Stem art, 3 Lytnington . Stewart, P. IL, Lancaster. Stewart, It., Iladdingb:n Stewart,Sir M.S., Renfrew C. Stormnnt, V is:vonnt. SW' Vide
Strickland, G... York W
Sinai, II., Dieby,o,:rrtI, DedifiC:r.,;(47litiCi lt Stuart, C., Bute C.
Sollhan, R., Kilheatty Surrey, Earlof. SuSsex , Sutton, III. I I n. C., Cam. Cni
S')kes, S Talbot, .1. 11...New Coss
Talbot, C. R. 41., Clamorya T elliot. 4%'. hi. P.. Chippenhe Talhot. James. .1thione . . . . Talinash, A. ( ;., Grantham . Tattered, II. NV., Banbury . Tulips. G. W., ChriStdouras . Tay 'elms% W., /IA/ye/eater. . N Taylor, 41. .k.. Sudbury A Tennant, J. E., .8..tfist A Tenny sate. C., Lambeth . . . N Thicknosso, R., Wigan Thomson, C. P.. Moneliester - Thompson, I'. B., lurk, F. A l'hompson, Md., Sunderland A Throcktnorlen, R. G.. Berks - rod& Ft.. ffonifon croak,,, NV., Truro Turret's, Col. It., Bolton.. N
Tower. C. T., //ecei A
Tud'ult■y, It. TL, Ca ruby. C A
Townshend.1,d.C.,Tamicorth -
Tracy, C. IL, Tewkesbury - Trail. G., Orkney 1 Slat. Is A Trelauney, W.r..s..C'orn. E N Trevor, G. It., Carmarthen . - Irrottbridge. Sir E. F., Saw/h. A Tullanane, Lord. Penryn • • :- Turner, 14., Blackburn 'rynte, C. I K., Somerset. W Tynte, C. K. E.. Bridgewater
Ty roll, C., SHAM, W
'Fyrell. j. T., Esse.r, N Vaughan,Sir it „Ilferioneth C Verney, Sir II., 13itekingham Vernon, Don. G. J., Derby,S. Vernon. G. H., East Retfbrd Verner, Col. H., Armagh C Vigors, N. A., Cartow Villiers, Lord. Hon/Ion .... • • Vincent, Sir F., St. Allan's N Vivian, .I. H. Swansea A Vivian, Sir II., Truro A Vvvya II, Sir IL, Bristol A Walker, C. A.,'We.rfird N Walker, It., Bury. Lancashire • Wall. C. It.. Guildfbrd A
Wallace, It., Greenock
Wallace. T..Carloto C Walsh, Sir I.. Sudbury A Walter, J., Birks Warburton, II.. Bridport . N Ward, II. 6., St. Allan's.... N Warn', J. A.. Hastings Wason, W. R., /pnoteh • 14 Waterpark, Lord, Derby, S. . A Watkins, F.. V., Brecon Watson, lin. R., Canterbury A Wedgewood. J., Potteries A Welby, G. E.. Grantham. . • Wetnyss, J.. Fife C. Wcyland, Major R.. Grfel. C. A Whalley, Sir S.. Marylebone. - Whitbread, NV. II„ Bedford . A White, S., LePrim Whitmore, T. C.. Bridgmirth - Whitmore, NV, W.. IVolverh.. - Wigney, J., Briyhton INIViiilkh,r1.t.lii.:,triBt.olsii,,,,Cta..qtr, S N Willi:1111R. It., Dorche,ter - iIliams,T .P., W.A.,Moomonth C. N Williams, ('(.1.. Ashton . . - Williamson, SOD ,ThrrhamN Willoughby.,4:r11.,Afetetwstie A Wilmot. Sir 3 . I :.,// - Wi titling, on, Sir cr., Betedirli A Wood, Alderman, London . N Wood. C.. Dallier, A COL T., Brecon C... • A ,.0:1, t;. 44.. J.anco./.r, s. - NV rot tester, Sir Shuj'o of, S Winithani.NV. IL, NI cjicik. E - Winningtm.11.J. l'oreesters Wynn, Sir NV. NV., I), _ Wynm'. . 4V. NV., Montgy. A l'elverton, W. I I., I 'armarthen - Yorke. Capt. C. P.,Cambg.0 A
Young, J., Cavan . A Young, G. F., Tyner/myth
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M 7a:.11tEntS' NAMES. tj4 Mills..!.. Rhehe.ter i:!•di. ,s V,.rthatantor At A - N1,1t.s.,, oelh, Sir W., (2.1'n E N' A
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Me.rettot. Don. II.. (Bauer. I. - - Mora au, Ito. A.. Weiner. W N, in.. l'orhshire,W A - (atir., .1 ipSieleh N - Mo.ley, 4ir 0.. Strzylr.t. 2V A I - MOStVil, in.E.M.L.,Einte. • I - A A A • -
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