The Paris news of yesterday is wholly external. Accounts had
been received by electric telegraph from Bologna, that four of the Legations have risen against the Pope, respectively to join Tuscany or the Union of Upper Italy. A Pro- visional Government had been formed at Bologna, with Bianchini as President.
Spanish letters state, that 2,000 convicts at Valladolid had revolted, murderta their guards, and fled into the country with the intention of joining the Monte- molinists.
The Archduke John opened the Austrian Diet, for the Emperor, on the 22d instant, in a speech breathing amity and peace towards all the states of the Empire and all foreign countries. Even of Italy he said—" The war in Italy is not directed against the liberties of the people of that country : its real object is to maintain the honour of the Austrian arms in presence of the Italian Powers, recognizing their nationality, and to support the most important interest' of the ;tate. The benevolent desire to terminate pacifically unhappy dissensions having been without effect, it has become the task of our brave army to conquer an honourable peace."