Ube Country.
At the Nottingham Assizes, Thomas Greensmith was found guilty of murdering his four children, at Basford, near Nottingham, on the 5th of April. The circumstances we stated at the time in the Spec- tator ; and it was presumed that the murderer was mad ; but there was o evidence whatever to prove insanity, and Greensmith was sentenced to death. In the absence of all apparent motive, it is difficult to be- lieve that the man was in his senses when he killed his children.
The Duke of Sutherland contributed the sum of 1,000/. to the new church, now rapidly advancing towards completion, at;Ketley, near his Grace's seat at Lilies, Shropshire.
The:Duke of Devonshire has :forwarded a great number of cases, containing rare Indian plants, to Chatsworth, for the conservatories at at that splendid seat. There are upwards of 200 workmen at present engaged in the erection of new farm buildings, &c. on the above estate; which, when finished, will be the most complete of the kind in the world.
In consequence of the late unpleasant circumstance at Melton Mowbray, in which Lord Waterford was implicated, he and his friends are determined to remove their large establishments from Leicester- shire, where they spent large sums of money annually, and in future to fix their head quarters at Leamington. They will arrive in November. Lord Waterford has abandoned his African expedition.—Leamingtou Chronicle.
On the 1.5th, a fire took place in the magnificent grounds of Sir Richard Colt Hoare, which entirely consumed " the Temple of the Sun." A swarm of bees had settled on the top, and fire was employed to dislodge them ; but, having been incautiously applied, it terminated an above, and the molten lead of the roof run into the pond below.— Salisbury Journal.
We have authority to state that the menacing letter to Dr. Lee, of Hartwell, signed by a Major Leonard, of the Dragoons, and purport- ing to be written at the command of the Marquis of Chandos, and which has been made the subject of much acute animadversion in the Radical papers, is a pure fabrication, and probably an electioneering squib. No such person as Major Leonard of the Dragoons lives at Buckingham, or, probably, anywhere else; and Lord Chandos has not authorized any person to address Dr. Lee.— Times.