29 JANUARY 1937, Page 1


THE Non-Intervention Committee is losing little time in taking up . the Spanish situation where the German and Italian replies to the British Note on " volunteers " have -left it. The replies accept the British plan for a general prohibition of volunteers and for a system of international control. They also propose that other forms: of intervention, by financial assistance and by propaganda; should be prohibited. These pro- posals are reasonable enough so far as they are practicable, which to a large eXtent.they are not. Fortunately the two Governments' acceptance of the British plan is not conditional on acceptance of their own proposals by other members of the Committee. There is therefore no further _excuse for delay in putting into effect the scheme of international control prepared by the Com- mittee, which will ,make non-intervention a greater reality than-it has yet been. It must be inferred that Herr Hitler has accepted the advice of his more moderate supporteri ,and-,his military advisers and shrinks from continuing on 'a larger scale his invasion of Spain. Yet without further foreign. help General Franco's prospects of .success unfavourable. His " final " assault on Mc'tdrid has:Still not achieved its objective. The heavy shelling of Aliadrid this week has been without military effect ; and at the moment it is reported that a further offensive must be postponed because of floods.