In the series of "Oxford English Texts" (The Clarendon Press, 188. net) we have the second and third volumes of Spenser's Poetical Works, Edited, with Critical Introduction and Appendix, by J. C. Smith. The object of the edition, here as elsewhere, is, it will be understood, to give a correct text. The editor has taken the edition of='1596 as the foundation, collating it with the earlier publication of 1590 and the folio of 1609. Any variations are- recorded in the notes. The fragment of Book VII. is found, it will be remembered, in the folio only. The editor has used his discretion is noting differences of spelling and punctuation ; in both these respects Spenser was something of a law to himself. Another publication in the same series is Campion's Works, Edited, with Biographical and Critical Introduction, by S. P. Vivian (105. 6d. net). To this we may be able to return. Meanwhile it will afford material for an interesting comparison to note that in 1582 Thomas Campion paid, or had paid for him, for board, lodging, and tuition at Peterhouse, Cambridge, .e9 15s. He had a study of his own and shared a bedchamber with a companion, and he remained at College for the whole year.