29 DECEMBER 1928, Page 5

Our Aberdare Fund—L4,564 I 5s. 8d. so far

Owing to the Christmas Holidays the following list represents subscriptions to the SPECTATOR Aberdare Fund received up to the first post on Friday, December 21st, 1928. All amounts received after that date will be acknowledged in our next issue. All remittances (which should be addressed to the Editor, The SPECTATOR, 18, York St., Covent Garden, London, W.C.' 2) should be made payable to the SPECTATOR Ltd., and crossed " Aberdare %." We acknowledge gratefully a further consignment of parcels. The distribution of the SPECTATOR Fund is in the hands of a local Committee at Aberdare, the Chairman of which is the Chairman of the Urban District Council, the Hon. Treasurer is the Director of Education, and the Hon. Secretary, the Town Clerk. The need is urgent, and we would appeal to those who have not yet contributed to do so.

Na me.£ 8.

" H. M. N." .. 100 0 Mr. & Mrs. F. .. 50 0

Ewan Fraser-. .... 50. 0

Anonymous, E. M. . 50 0 Messrs. W.. Speaight .& • Sons, Ltd. (Mmnbers of the Staff of) ; . 40 " Anonymous M. I." 25 R. H.. MacCaulay .. 20 The Choir of Tawyti„ _ 'Parish Church 15

Our Aberdare Fund—continued.,

Amount sent.

Name. £ s. d.

" Anon. C. M."

5 0 0 Mrs. Neatby 5 0 0 The High School for

Girls, East Dereham,

Norfolk, per L. M.

Galloway .. 5 0 0 Mrs. Battock 5 0 0 I. Guthrie .. 5 0 0 " An American Constant

Reader of the

Spectator " . . . . 5 0 0 "K S. R." 5 0 0 Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Loring 5 0 0 Miss H. Bennett .. 5 0 0 " In Memory of

4 0 0 " Blue Goose " . 4 0 0 S. T. Williamson 3 3 0 Mies M. F. Johnson &

Miss L. A. White .. 3 3 0 " K A. R." 3 3 0 Anonymous .. 3

0 Miss Graham 3 0 0 Anonymous .. 3 0 0 IL M. Clark 3 0 0 Moravian Girls' School 3 0 0

3 0 0 T. L. React 2 12 6 Miss J. I. Leresche 2 10 0 IL B. Ellerton 2 2 0 Mr. & Mrs. James Steele 2 2 0

C. H. Wilson ..

2 2 0 Rev. Hugh C. B.

Lethbridge 2 2 0 W. H. Harvey 2 2 0 Mr. & Mrs. A. Mintow 2 2 0 Mrs. IC. Davis , . , . 2 2 0 Miss Hilda Conyers .. 2 2 0 George Hammond .. 2 2 0 Amount sent.

Name. £ e. d.

Mrs. A. R. Robinson .. 2 2 0 " A. T. F." .. 2 2 0 Dr. & Mrs. Llewelyn

Lewis 2 2 0 " A. A. T." .. 2 0 0 "R. M. C." .. 2 0 0 " A. AL W." .. 2 0 0 H. P. Thomson 2 0 0 Norman Graham 2 0 0

The Misses H. & E.

Young 2 0 0 " A. M. F." .. 2 0


"F. B." 2 0 0 Ernest Lacon 2 0 0 Mrs. P. Norris .. 2 0 0 M. A. N. Heatheote 2 0 0 Anonymous.. . 1 10 0

" Cheltenham Friends."

1 10 0 Mrs. G. W. Norris .. 1 10 0 J. Barkerwells 1 1 0 " J. I. M." 1 1 0 Rev. Canon Patterson 1


0 Charles E. Ford .. 1

0 Mrs. Jukes 1


0 C. L. Hone .. 1 1 0 Dr. Lena Fox 1 1 0 Arthur Kirsopp 1 1 0 " Anon " 1 1 0 " H. D."


1 0 " A. C. P." .. 1 1 0 T. Hasler .. 1 1 0 Mr. & Mrs. E. ill

Williams.. 1 1 0

"B. M. D. & C...11. D."

1 1 0 The Very Rev. Dean

of Cork & Mrs.

Babington 1 1 0 " R. W.' 1 1 0 Mrs. Cecil Sprigge 1 1 0 Amount sent.

Name. a. d.

A. Lynton Heywood .. 1 1 0 Miss A. G. Evans 1 1 0 F. B. Newman.. 1 1 0 P. Ashton .. 1 1 0 Walter P. Legg 1 1 0 Arthur Dun .. 1 1 0 Miss M. Austin Robin-

1 1 0 W. & Cicely Humbly .. 1 1 0 Mrs. Poulton .. 1 9 0 Miss Constance Brown 1 0 0 Miss Melbourn & C. W.

Baldwin .. 1 0 0

E. K 1011

1 0 0 J. Kildare O'Neill .. 1 0 0 Miss Muriel Auld .. 1 0 0 E. P. Fairbairn 1 0 0 Miss Price . 1 0 0 " W. O'D" 1 0 0 "C. H. & R S." .. 1 0 0 " S. T. D , Weston-

super-Mare " 1 0 0 Anonymous .. 1 0 0 Lt.-Col. the Hon. Row-

land & Mrs. St. John 1 0 0 Miss C. M. Townsend .. / 0 0 Rev. A. L. Manby 1 0 0 The Misses Spackman &

Stone 1 0 0 Anonymous . 1 0 0 W. M. Evans 1 0 0 " C. W. ItL" 0 15 0 Miss M. G. Briggs , 0 10 6 Mrs. F. A. Shutfrey 0 10 0 " Hydrazine " 0 10 0 Anonymous .. 0 10 0 " W. V." .. 0 10 0 Rev. James Brant .. 0 10 0 Miss Edith H. Sainsbury 0 10 0 Amount sent.

Name. a. d.

"C. A. B." .. .. 0 10 0 Anonymous .. 0 10 0 0 10 0 J. R Penningley .. 0 10 0 G. C. Lindsay Grant .. 0 10 0 " The Third Forms of Municipal Secondary School for Girls " . 0 7 7 Mrs. Richard Kay .. 0 5 0 " Thank Offering "- 0 5 0 " Myrrh " 0 5 0 Miss Cruso 0 5 0 "H. E. W. L." .. 0 5 0 " A. C. A." , . 0 5 0 Miss V. D. La Toucho.. 0 5 0 Mrs. La Touche .. 0 5 0

From three Children . 0 2 6

The Town Clerk of Aberdare informs us that Lady Dalzell, of Binns, Linlithgow, enclosed a donation of two one pound notes with her parcel of goods.

In another parcel there was no address, but a ten shilling note was enclosed with a request to be entered up as " W.A.J. 21."

Cheques were received from Muriel Batley, who banks at Wolver- hampton, for £10; Ruth Behrens, who banks at Denbigh, for one guinea ; A. Horrieds, Leigh, Lancashire. for £2 2s. ; and Helen Johnson, who banks at Baldock, for £2.

Nora.—In order to prevent possible loss in transit, readers are requested to send their remit- tances to the SPECTATOR office and not to include there in their parcels.