Yesterday morning, the usual salutes were flied in St. James's Park and at the Tower, in honour of the Peace with China. The despatches from the Earl of Elgin and Sir Hope Grant are voluminous. The Treaty of Tien-tsin is ratified and reprochiced in the Convention. Mr. Parkes has also sent an account of his captivity. The indemnity has been fixed at eight million taels ; about 2,900,000/. 100,000/. is stipu- lated for as a soled= for the families of our murdered fellow-eountry- men.
The Moniteur publishes the text of the Treaty concluded with China,, and a despatch of Baron Gros detailing the ceremoaials which accom- panied the signing of the Treaty
A letter from Messrs Mires and Co. has been published, announcing the extension of the subscription to the Turkish loan, and stating that 120,620 bonds have already been subscribed for.
The official Wiener Zeitung contains two Imperial decrees—
The first orders that in view of the present extraordinary state of things, the forced currency of bank notes (Zwanzigers) in Lombardo-Venetia, shall be maintained.
The second orders that the payment of the interest of the National Loam alow•K-LAtTected in bank notes with the corresponding agis. The db.-j era nee-ecled bs two reunria of the Ministers of Finance, stating the motives for proposing the measures.
The latest intelligence states that the bombardment of Gaeta proceeds day and night.