29 DECEMBER 1860, Page 10



Monday was a closed day on the Stock Exchange, and on Wednesday the market for English Securities opened firm at a slight advance upon Satur- day's quotations, in consequence of the very favourable character of the China telegram; this firmness, howeve,r, was not sustained, and some large sales occurred during the day in New Three- per Cent e Reduced and Con- sols, causing a general decline. Consuls were fret quoted 921 93, and closed 921 921. The markets have since been- extremely sensitive and the receipt of lower prices from Paris, continued uneasiness respecting, the state of affairs in America, with the transmission of very large amounts of specie thereto, added to a not altogether satisfactory feeling with regard to present and anticipitated events on the Continent, have given a very heavy tone to- business all round. The decline in Consuls is equal to 1 per cent, the final quotation being 921 921. French Routes have again been telegraphed 10e. lower. It was thought in many quarters that the Bank direotors would- yesterday have raised the minimum rate, but the court broke up without any alteration being resolved upon ; it is, however, more than probable that a rise of t or 1 per cent will be decided upon at an early date, should the present drain continue. Today the markets are especially heavy—New Three per Cents and Reduced, 921 92k; Consols for 10th of January, 921 921; 'wham Stocks shut.

The Railway Share Market has not exhibited much activity except in con- nexion with transactions for the fortnightly settlement, which terminates- this afternoon. Prices have had a general decline, and the market essumes a heavy appearance at the close. Great Western, 741 741; London and North-Western, 102 102k; London and South Western, 951 951 ; Midland, 1351 1361; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1191 120. The Contengos and rates of interest for continuation have been exceedingly heavy, the settlement show- ing an abundance of stock. Caledonian is last quoted 971 98; London and Brighton, 117 119; Great Northern, 111 112 ; Ditto A Stock, 106 107,. North Stafford, 15 151 ; Chester and Holyhead, 53 53k; North British,, 651 661. The French Market has been extremely depressed, in sympathy with the decline in Consols and French ROAM Lombardo-Venetian Shares- have receded to 11 11 die.; aris and Strasbourg, 231 241 ; Paris and Lyons, 351 36; Northern of France, 38/ 39t ; Luxembourg, 61 7; Midi, 20 21. East Indian Stock quiet, 98 99 ex div. ; Great Indian Peninsula, 95 96 ex div. Marine Insurance Shares are not quite so firm as during last week, and' operations have not been so numerous. Ocean are quoted 31 3,1 premium ; Universal, 1 11 ; Thames and Mersey, 11 11.

The Market for Foreign Stocks has not been 'very active, and values are rather lower than at the opening. Mexican, 211 211; Peruvian Four-and- a-half per Cents, 96 97; Ditto Three per Cents, 73 74; Ditto Uribarren, 82 83; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 80 81 • Chilian Four-and-a.lialf per Ceuta,

83 84; Ditto Six per Cents, 102 104% Sardinian, 83 84; Victor Emmanuel 97 98. Turkish Stock,/ have engaged the principal attention of dealers, and a decline has taken place in each description ; the Old Six per Cents being now 70t 71; Ditto New, 561 57; Veneguela, 2021; Grenada Active, 15 16; Ditto Deferred, 51 6. Russian Five per Cents, 104 106; Ditto Three per Cents, 62 621; Spanish Three per Cents, 51 511 ; Ditto Deferred, 42 42f ; Ditto Certificates, 6 61. Money has been in gt at demand in this market at from 8 to 6 per cent.