29 AUGUST 1840, Page 10

According to a letter in the Sjin«phore of 3farsailles, the

rumours of a European war hail stirred up the pablic mind in Italy ;.1110Veinents on the part of " the Petriets" were apprehended; and the petty Sove- reigns of the Peninsula weTe concerting measures to provide against popular disorders. The Duke of 31odena, it is said in the leiter, n had visited tin. Grand Dulee of Tuscany at Leghorm for no other purpose, although under pretence of negochning a marriage.' for his son."

According- to advice's from Berlin of the 1:ith instant, the Royal de- cree of amnesty in devour of' political Ginoiders had been communicated to the authorities, ;nal was to be 11)111ov:tit cerried into execution. The ematumacious alone are to be exclude:I Moo( 1.enetit a the lueesure, but are to he allowed six months to apely the King's eleitieney.

We have received information. that General Count Orloff has: been appointed by the Emperor 'Nicholas to the post of Commander-lit-Chief of the :ditties now collected in the Southern provinces ef the Russian empire tat (.11 the shores of the Nock Sea. Couut ( lelttif was the tweetiator of the treaty of Unkiar 31,1,day.

A letter from Constantinople, of' the eth August, states that it con- spiracy has been detected there, having for its ()Neel to murder the Sultan and his ;Ministers, and to place his brother (el tile throne, ender the guardianship of Khosrew Paella and Hain Pm ha. It is stated fir•- them, that whilst the Sultan was reviewing some troops on the 2.-411July, six shots Were fired from the ranks, and that twit halls penetrated thee Sultan's chunk, Two thous:mil persons Mere appreheuded ou suspicien : of which tallith:en the 1.(ipsa• Gen affirms that fifteen lainared have been strangled. The letter part ofthe story, at Icest, is disereditel.

An Luglisli schoolier. the. I itanun aptam b. Lnesemore. hits leen fired at by the fort of Almeria, oil its way from Gilanitar to '/ante. A letter to Lloyd's, dated Almeria, nd, August leato. say: --•• The itania

was tackite: off Almeria on t moreime of the tIihi, it ing.1.0 CO:UT:try V111(1S, and comine., it was elleetel, under cannon-shot of the flit without any flag ti i ing, she was fired at without ball ; and though slie immediately hoisted her ensign, they fired on her te ice more with eannmnbail, (one of e pitched short of her stern); which natu- rally surprised the captain, and inehteed him to cutter the port for ex- plantition ; where he was detained till he shmild pay the cost a the three shots, Every exertion on the part of her .Majesty's Viee-ce.m.ea against wheat he considered an unjust and arbitrary proecealihg wets dis- regarded ; and to avoid greater prejudice by that detention of the vessel, he paid the amount demanded for account of the captain. ( the latter having no money on board,) under protest; aud the Vt'SSel was per- mitted to depart. It is only very lately that the artillerymen at the fort have received orders to fire On vessels appronching iv itliti it et:1011N :

so far they may be justified; but to continue tiring with ball, after hoisting the flag, till the vessel shoult deviate from her voyage and come to anchor to pay the expense, may be attended with very at :Timis

accidents, as nearly happened. to the Titania. tier Majesty's Vice- Consul has therefore given a full report of the above to the Consul at 3Ialaga; and I consider it also advisable to inform you thereof." A new paper, in the English tongue, has made its appearance at Smyrna. The first number was published on the etith July : its title is Manzari Shark, OP Oriental Observer ; and it is to make three appear- ances monthly,—that is, on the 9th, 19th, and :19th of each. It is sub- divided into foreign intelligence', beginning with China, and approaching homeward to Salonica. Constantinople and Smyrna seem its domestic


orientai (llealeer. ne new journal ado..(alates the interests of Sultao in the •tueslions now agitating the of the world is where started. heads. It seems that there are at present two French newspapers t Smyrna, while the English, save in the instance of a minor publienfloal, called The Star in the Last, arc without a periodical in their own But this this tiny star, we are told, quickly set, and never e It


since appee'r:i above the horizon. The editor says, the two Arabic words, .ellunr„,, slork, composing his (it.', nay, as nearly as can Le be t