We have received a copy of a letter from Dr.
J. Lhatsky, Dootor of Philosophy, representing a case of literary hardship. Biographical MS. sketches of the present Emperor of Austria, in which it was predicted (in 1822) that Austria would gain freedom under his reign—of the life of D. D. Fessel and Ferdinand Wertheim, two Austrian Liberals—and also a large MS. history of Dr. Lhatsky's travels in Austria, Germany, and France— were in the Palace of the Secret Police at Vienna when the outbreak of the 16th of March took place. The Palace of Police was the only building then sacked. Dr. Lhatsky, regarded as a political "dreamer," was im- prisoned for nine months, in 1822; and his papers have never been re- turned to him. Through us, he desires any person who may chance to have obtained those manuscripts to return them to their author.