29 APRIL 1848, Page 8



The general aspect of commercial affairs is more cheering than it has been since the present political turmoil on the Continent began. There is a tendency to a revival of business; and as a consequence, rather more demand for money, with a greater disposition for its employment- As yet, however, the indications of im- provement are too feeble to enable any judgment to be formed as to their con- tinuance. In the English Stock Market, the fluctuations have been comparatively unimportant, the range of Consols having been between 82 and 82*, and the closing quotation this afternoon 82i a. Some rather large sales of Stock bare been effected for money; among others, one by the Chancery Broker: and the Stock thus brought to market has supplied the demand for Consols previously existing, that particular security being since Wednesday at the same price for Money as for the Account. Exchequer Bills are the same; and Bank Stock is without material variation. On and after Monday next, the Bankers will cease business at four o'clock in- stead of five. This regulation will be universal among the City bankers, but will not be so general among those at the West end of the town- The Directors of the Bank of England have resolved to curtail by one Week the period at which the books of the Government Stocks will in future be closed for the divi- dend. The books of the Consols will close on the lath June, and open on the 16th July. It was formerly the custom to close the books for six weeka—namely, from the beginning of June and December to the middle of January and July. A reduction of one week in the usual period was made some time ago; and a fur- ther curtailment has now taken place to meet the views of the Stock Exchange Committee, who have shortened the periods for the settlement of the speculative accounts in Consols from six weeks to one month. The Exchange upon Paris is nearly the same as last week. The demand for bullion for the Continent con- tinues, and the store of the Bank of England will be diminished in the accounts to appear tomorrow by about five hundred thousand. The Foreign Funds, with the exception of the Russian, are without any mate- rial change. This latter Stock is considerably higher than last week, and has reached 88. This improvement is simply owing to the cessation of sake. Since the French Revolution, this has been almost the only market for the heavier classes of Foreign Bonds; and when almost every post from the Continent brought Fonds for sale in London, it is hardly to be wondered at that the highest-priced Stock should decline. The fall in Russian Bonds since the 24th February has been about 30 per cent,-11rorn 105 with the dividend to 72 ex-dividend. .A re- action of 16 per cent has since occurred: Spanish Stock, which had been forced up from 1 to 2 per cent by extensive purchases, fell upon the publication of the correspondence between the British Embassy and the Duke de Sotomayor to nearly the whole extent of the rise: it has since been recovering, and is now to. within per cent of the highest quotation. Portuguese Bonds, which had been nearly stationary, have risen today nearly 2 per cent, and have reached 17. This movement is the consequence of an influential purchase, induced, we believe, by some financial plan being now in agitation at Lisbon for capitalizing the over- due interest of the debt, and making a promise to pay serve Instead of payment.

The Railway Shares have been steady. There is no material change in the more important varieties; some of the smaller Shares have, however, advanced from 10s. to 11. The French Shares are all rather firmer; and those which are current in this market are today about 108. higher than last week. The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending the 22d April, exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following results-

BANEINO DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.

£4,540 799,563 515,220 4,262' 465,000 148,267 708,875 165,325 543,5.50 535,913

This week. Last week.

Total Bullion in both Departments 13,228,341 13,764,254.

Actual Circulation 18,761,1165 18 596,540 SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

The news from Paris had an unfavourable effect upon prices, and at the open- ing of the market Consols were done at 82i both for Money and the Account; an improvement has since occurred, and the present quotation is 82*i. In the Foreign Market, yesterday's prices are fully supported. Mexican Stock is In demand, and several bargains ha7e been effected at 15k. The Railway Shares are firm; the following being the principal bargains occurring: Caledonian, 24; Great Northern, 3i; Lancashire and Yorkshire, (821. paid,) 71; North-seweSterni 128; North British, 201; North Staffordshire, 6i 4; Shrewsbury and Binning


Rest Public Deposits Other Deposits Seven-day and other Bills Government Securities, including Dead-weight Other Securities Notes unissued Actual Circulation 15505 DEPARTMENT.

Notes issued Bullion

ham, (Close A.,) 2; Shropshire Union, 14; York, Newcastle, and Berwick— Original Newcastle and Berwick, 27i; Ditto, Extension, No. 1, 15i ; Ditto, No.

an j Danish 3 per Cents

84 1 Dutch per Cents

801 i

Ditto 4 per Cents 81} { Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 8 5-16 New Granada 188 Portuguese N.4 perCents 1842 42 prem. Portuguese Old 1824

Russian 5 per Cents 66 9 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents

57 62

Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 18 22 Venezuela

£25,621,820 £25,621,920 BANKING DSPAITMENT. BANK OP ENGLAND.

An account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 5th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 22d day of April 1818.

UNITS Dir.412111CNT.

120,021,820 Government Debt £11,015,200 Other Securities 2.994.900 Gold Coin and Bullion 10,750,853 Silver Bullion 1,871,045

Notes termed

Government Securities (in- cluding Dead WeightArinuity)Al2,288 .830 Other Securities 12.001,568 Notes 7,680,055 Gold and Silver Coin 606,421 £32,736.672 132.736.872 • Including Exchequer, Sayings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt &Dividend Accts. Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Best 3,405,092 Public Deposits. 2,321,399

Other Deposits 11,433,742 60Vell Day and other Bills 1,021,500 9 10. Northern of France, 3.


3 per cent Consols

Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Ceuta Long Annuities Bank Stock Bxcheoner Bills Inclla Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents

BEle404 Ayres Chlllan 6 per Cents

30 SO 40 2 58 60 14 13 14 16 17 62 6 8596 121 24 18 22