The Countryman. (2s. 6d.) THE latest (autumn) number of The
Countryman maintains its uniformly high standard. An article, " Ants, Locusts and Gardeners," including contributions on gardening in Brazil and also in Kenya, should do something to reduce our dissatisfaction with our own climate. In an editorial there is severe criticism of the Ministry of Food's unfortunate sanction for returning to the reduction in flour extraction, with its"consequent loss in iron and vitamin in our daily bread. " Compared with the wholemeal of a year ago," says The Countryman, " the new meal shows reductions of 19 per cent. in vitamin Bl, 38 per cent. in B2, and 20 per cent. in iron. Those losses are serious. The new wheatmeal contains only 6o per cent, of the total vitamin of the grain." Why should the millers be allowed to get away with this impoverishment of the people's food? Surely a Labour Government can stop this.