28 OCTOBER 1911, Page 23


[Under this heading •tsw neffai- ends' Balihc•of Vie • west' vss'- Wye' not 'been reserved for review in other forma.] Archbisbeekerlittgiffidett hite Times' Beethteltied pr.:J. Clayton. (S.P.C.K. 28.6d.)—Thepositiontaken up by the Archbishop is full of interest, though his methods of- government and her Calvinistic theology are' Wholly -out' of date; He 'Would-allow no one to neaten. English churches without episcopal ordination; but be didittotunelturehetitistiate bedies whieh were without -bishops, Nor did, the- divines who came- after him; holding:what we- may call." higher" Opinions; such as Andrewetrand Laud; depart from this- position. Such Churchmen who were driven into exile by Commonwealth .teertibles nettle-no difficulty Abet comnambeding with.-nonepiscespal Churches onth4eContinvere. Thetis- the tease diffeleonce between the seventeenth . century and: the, twentieth. Now' they notdct• go to Mass if they could, but would avoid a Lutheran- eleireli or •a Female Protestant • " teaipla" As- to Whitgift'e theology-We have the LanibetleAktic/erqdoted in fell. Here- is the second -of - the. ninee " The moving or efficient cause of predietinationto Weis not the previidon• of filth,- or- of pet- severance, or of 'good-works, or of anything'which may be in the persons predestinated, but only the good' will of the pleasure of God." Welle whether with- bislinps- or without them; we atee glad to- him- escaped-fie& this.