Presideat Johnson has received a deputation from South Carolina, praying
for pardon to Mr. Davis, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Trenholni, and other leading Confederates. In the course of the somewhat desultory conversation which ensued, the Carolinians expressed a firm determination to support the President, who is far more popular in the South than in the North, while Mr. Johnson hinted that he should like to see Mr. Davis tried, sentenced, and pardoned, that a vagrant Act might be passed pressing on both white and black, that the coloured men ought to be protected in person and property, that they must be taught the true signification of liberty, namely, the right to work for wages, and that for himself he was not seeking re-election. He did not, however, make these terms for the negro the con- ditions of his action, and gave no idea of the way in which the States, once restored to political liberty, could be coerced into doing justice. The Carolinians departed therefore, exceedingly content, to plan laws under which the negroes shall neither be slaves nor freemen, neither be liable to hale by auction nor possessed of any civil or political privileges.