28 OCTOBER 1854, Page 9

isvoa • Notes issued The inettittylitttoSothellampton marriage ease was resumed

on Friday lies fore the Wit:lig Magistrates; but Dr. Gilee, advised by his friends, -did not appeals-am/ins bail submitted to theforfeiture of theirreoognizepoes of 5001. Liver this sustained a lose, 'estithated at 200,001)1:, by a fire which broke out at e Acker's in O'clock on Thursday morning, in the cellars of a warehousean _ idings, Lancelot's Hey. The fire 'originated in it spark falling _ upon so -tilbrpentine from a naked candle oarried by a careleacworkman. &worst,* losichs followed, and -seven vaults were soon in flames ; but GA there, vitsq' ' Pbutirdant supply Of water,-the vaults were speedily submerged. It waithin thought that the fire had been overootne ; but it burst out anew, and Mitqvitlistanding the great exertions of the firemen, and the projectiou

orsoreetifin like 2000 gallons a Minute upon. tbe burning cotton Sod other t substan till raged on, and continued, in a subdued form, yesterday after-. noon. ' 'that time, two warehouses were is ruins, two others were

getted, -the contents of both were destroyed. -..- •, . -