Signora Ruiz Garcia, a sister of Molibran, and said to
resemble the deceased in her great gifts, was to make her debut on the 23th ultimo, at a concert to be given by Signor Gainbati, at the City Hotel, in New York.
The French journals are much concerned about a "serious accident" which befel Fanny Eisler a few evenings ago, during her performance of Jenny Vertpre's character in La (jlittle 11Thamorphosile en Femme, which has been turned into a ballet. "In the second act," says the Gazelle Musicale, "when the woman-cat springs under the table to get at the pan of milk, the table unfortunately upset, and the milk was spilt upon the charming dancer's foot. Being overheated by her exertions, she was seized with an alarming chillness and shivering-fit ; but never- theless had the fortitude to show no symptoms of suffering, and re- mained on the stage till the end of the scene, when every care was taken to prevent any ill consequences from the accident."
A monument to the memory of the great Gustavus Adolphus has been erected near Lutzen, on the field where he met his glorious end. The monument is to be displayed to the public, for the first time, on the 6th November.
Coblentz has been declared a free port ; and the first stone of exten- sive warehouses was laid on the 15th instant, being the birth-day of the Hereditary Prince of Prussia.