28 NOVEMBER 1914, Page 16


NEU TRA LITY, Is it neutrality you proclaim, A cosy nook in sheltered bowers, Safe from the fiends who slay and maim, Mocking the prate of maudlin Powers P Wipe your spectacles, cultured few, Dimmed with the fogs of a sordid peace, The wholesale grabbing of more than your due, Reckless so that your pile increase.

And you, web-spinners who shake the head, The wise old head with a thatch of snow, And in delicate footfalls gingerly tread, Where the ground is mined by a treacherous foe: "None of my business," is that your creed ?

"Let the combatants win or lose, I can sit out while others bleed; Others are sleepless, I can snooze ?"

Wake, 0 wake! The world is wide.

Is it a myth that men are akin P All are one :— min you stand aside And keep your honour from stain of sin?

God eternal judgeth aright: Down with the liar, uphold the True.

Under His banner 'tis joy to fight,

And die for the Christ who died for you.