28 NOVEMBER 1914, Page 11


[To TEE EDITOR OF THE "SrEcTAToR.'] SIR,—Knowing your deep and active interest in the recruiting problem, may I ask you kindly to bring the following sugges-

tion before the proper authorities if you consider it sufficiently practicable P If not, please accept my apologies for trespassing on your time. My proposal is that the following brief extract from the letter of an officer at the front should be printed in bold type, without any comment, in the centre of a handbill for distribution at the gates of large manufactories, if not on the actual football field :—


A Captain writes

Oh ! if we only had men now. We as a battalion have been lucky, but we have now lost in killed and wounded fourteen officers and just on six hundred men ; so every man is wanted, and a law should forbid a football being kicked.' "—Mt Times, Novem- ber 17th.