28 MAY 1881, Page 2

On Thursday, Professor Robertson Smith having refused to resign, Dr.

Adam moved a resolution that from the 31st of this month, " Professor Smith's tenure of his Chair shall cease, as regards all right to teach and to exercise Professorial func- tions in the College of Aberdeen, and as regards all ecclesias- tical rights and powers grounded on his Professorial functions." Professor Bruce moved an amendment condemnatory of this course ; but Dr. Adam's resolution was carried, by 394 against 231,—majority,163. Professor Robertson Smith's salary was re- served to him, by the resolution, for the present; but he declared that " he would never consent to eat the bread of the Church which did not permit him to serve it," so that with the end of May, he ceases to be Professor at Aberdeen altogether. The Free Church will not easily find for him a worthy successor, for any teacher who is otherwise worthy of so learned and able a predecessor, must feel his hands tied and his heart oppressed by the conditions under which he undertakes his charge.