28 MAY 1842, Page 20


Tuesday, May 24.


T. and J. Reed. Taeistoek, fanners -Collet and Co. Leeds. stonemasons-Hawkes and Greathead. Dudley, glass cutters-J. and J. Bates. Liverpool. merchants-Abra- ham and Gardiner, Houndsditch, ready-made liuenwarehouse-Cambers and Prosser -Wyer end Finley, Newiugtou Causeway, tailors-Gillam and Robins. Birmingham, attornies-G. and W. S. %Vightman, Setston, Nottingham, booksellers-Wells and Co. Sheffield, table-knife-manufacturers-J. and J. Sanderson. Kingston.upon-Htill. mer- chants-Mather and Co. Liverpool, engineers; as far as regards Heyworth -H. T. and A. Davis, Miuories, printers-Shrewsbury and Stace, Strood, Kent. iroumongers- Day and Co. St. Ives. attornies-Grindrod and Co. Ramshottom. Lancashire. cotton- spinners - Furnace and 'I hompson. Clitheroe, coal-masters-Parkinson and Weldrick, 1dirtield. card-makers-Rs Re and S. Johnson, Liverpool, coal-merchants-Dodwell and Miles, Cornhill, East India agents-Sharratt aud Co. Walsall, saddler's iron- mougere-Batson and Co. Blaydon, Durham. white-lead-manufacturers; as far as re-

gards Batson. INSOLVENT.

QUAIFE, THOSIAS and Co. Fulham. brewers, May 21.


BROWN. WILLIAM MAV7MAN junior. Sine Lane, merchant. 110uPER, WILLIAM, Reading, tobacco manufacturer.


Armee, ROBERT, Brighton. bonier, to surrender June 3, July 5 solicitors, Messrs. Freeman aud Co. Coleman Street; and Mr. Chalk. Brighton. Bennie JOHN, Rugby, grocer, Juue 8. July 5; solicitors. Messrs. Fuller and Saltwell, Carlton Chambere, Regent Street; and Mr. Wratislaw, Rugby'.

BMW RoBERT, Liverpool. wine.merchant, June 3, July 5: solicitors, Mr. Dimmock Size Lane, Bucklersbury; and Mr. Fairctough, Liverpool. COTTERELL, JOSEPH, Durlaston, Staffordeldre, hinge-maker, June 15, July 5: sell' chore, Mr. Chaplin. Gray's Inn Square; and Spurrier and Chaplin. Itiimingham. DO•IALD, WILLIAM, Brighton. furrier, May 28, July 5: solicitors, Messrs. Rickards anti Walker, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Mr. Bennett. Bright

FINDEN, WILLIAM and EDWARD FRANCIS, Southampton Place. New Road, engravers, Juue 3, July 5: solicitor, Mr. Jenkinson, Cannon Street; official assignee, Mr. John- son, Bashighall.Street.

FULLER, JAMES, Maidenhead. corn-merchant, June 7. July 5: solicitors, Messrs. Fry and Co. Cheapside; official assignee. Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry.

GREY. WILLIAM Goyim Bath, deutiet. June 6, July 5: solicitor, Mr. Sheppard, Castle Street, Holborn.

JONES, JANE, Cimarron. woollendraper, June 11, July 5; solicitors, Mr. Griffith, Cartiarron; aud Mr. Jones, Parliament Street.

QUICK. MARY. Compton Street. Burton Crescent. baker, June 3, July 5: solicitor, Mr. Drake, Bouterie Street; official assignee, Mr. Turquatal, Copthall Buildings. RADFORD, Rine, Tiverton, Devonshire. upholsterer, June 21, July 8; solicitors. Mr. Fox, Finsbury Circus; and Mr. Tanner, Creditou.

SIMMONS, Jean and Co. Battersea, manufacturers of pruesiate of potash. May 31, July 5: solicitors, Messrs. Lindsay and Mason. Cateatou Street ; official assignee, Mr. Green. Aldermanbury.

SMITH, Jews. Hertford, victualler. June 3, July 5: solicitor. Mr. Everitt. Hayden Square. Minories; official assignee, Mr. Lackington. Coleman Street, Buildings, TELFER. ADAM, Freed Street. smith. June 3. July 5: solicitor, MT. Virgo, Essex Street. Strand; official 'assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. Termeseme lone. Heath Charnock, Lancashire, coal-merchant. June 15, Judy 5: solicitors, Messrs. Adli0g1.00 and Co. Bedford Row; and Mr. Stringfellow, Chorley. DIVIDENDS.

June 14. Littledyke. New North Road. liuendraper -June 14. Gouger, Great Win- chester Street, merchant -June 14, Weedon, West Smithfield, banker-June 16. Gan. dar. Brydgee Street. victualler-June 16, Canning. Wood Street, warehouseman -June 15. Beutley, Cheapside, warehouseman-June 14 J. aud V. Oldfield, Edgeware Road, scoachmakere-Juue 16. Smiths. Rotherhithe, miller-June 16. lidless St. Alban's Place, Haymarket. builder-June 19, Bright, Picket Street. draper-June la, A xmann & Christ, Mark Lane, general-merchants-June 17. Weinman. Leeds. dyer -June 18. Hodgson, Leeds, merchant-June 16. Henshall, Neweastle-under-Lyne, silk throwster-Jusie 17, Roberts, Rau mnrsh, Yorkshire. grocer-June 16. Mellinger, Southampton, iron- monger-June 23, Taylor. Norwich, apothecary -June 15. Dixon. Leeds. grocer-June 14. Brown. Carlisle, draper-June 18, O'Meara, Leeds. cloth.merchant-June 20, Hunt, Portsmouth, town-carter-June 18. Brooke junior, Dewsbury, maunfacturer- June 13, C. and A. Nets. Monkwearmouth Shore, shipbuilders-June 20 Mallard, Cauterbury, banker -June'15, Llano aud Run. Liverpool, merchants-June 18. Davies, Liverpool. oil-merchant-June 20. S. and S. St .eks, Heaton Mersey, manufacturers- June 15, Wrigley. Knowl, Yorkshire. woollen-cloth-merchant.


To be granted. unkss cause be shown te the contrary, on or before June 14.

Carrington, Albion Street, Hyde Park horse-dealer-Page. High Street. Marylebone, crotch-tyre-smith-Shaw, Great Driffield, coru-fector-James, Redditch, Worcester- shire. ironmonger-Curtis, King's Lynn, brewer-Nightingale, Rusholme, innkeeper -Rosselli, Lime Street, dealer.


Born, WILLIAM, S 'WOWS, carrier. May 30, June 28. CoRTI, ANTONI, Glasgow, carver, Mny 28. June 21. JOHNsTONE EBENEZER. Stirling. bookseller, May 30, June 20. Letwrmer, DAVID. Dundee, baker. May 28. June 18.

lerrumm, ALEXANDER, Eflinborgh, advocate, May 30. June 22.

Titorasoes ROBERT, and Semis, James. Greenock. shipbuilders, May 30, June 20.

Friday, May 27.


T. and C. &Redman. Dudley, Worcestershire, wiue-merchauts-Douglas and Co. Liverpool, curriers-M'Cracken and Hillman, Leicester, stonemasons -T. and R. Skinner. Fordinbridge. Southampton, tanners - Hall and Gardner. Sunderland, brokers - Lax arid Cooper, Barnar.1 Castle, Durham. joiners - Harper and Pratt, Warwick, cliemi,ts -Hardey and Stephenson, Kiugston-nyon.Thill, coal-merchants - Roberts and Wettings. Birmitesham. woolanaplers -Searle and Debonaire. Sun Street, Bishopsgate Street, grocers -Bleck and Co. Cockspur Street, Westminster, priutsellers -Haigls and Crow. Huddersfield. fancy woollen mauuffieturers-Fernandes and Co. Stanley. Yorkshire, coal-merchants; as for as regards Casson and Walker- C. and J. Shield. Newcastle-upon Tyne, wine merchants -Nayler and Co. Horton, Yorkshire, machine-makers -Yea dell and Co. Exholt, Yorkshire. scribbling-milieu. -Barton and Co. Preston, flax-spiuners; as for as regards L. Spencer.


DELAMAIN, HENRY FERDINAND, St. Mary at Hill, wine-merchant. May 26.

JOHNSON, MARy and WILLIAM. Cheadle, Staffordshire, grocers, May 27. STEVENS, thaw aud JOHN, Willian, Hertfordshire. builders, May 26, BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED.

OWEN, Jonar, Woolwich, cow-keeper.

THOMAS, Josses Ramsgate, butcher. BANKRUPTS.

BOWRA, EDWARD, Gracechurch Street, umbrella vverehouseman, to surrender June 7,, July 8: solicitor, Mr. Stormy, Wellington Street, Loudon Bridge; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street, DAVIS, Faramis, WoyD10111h, wine-merchant, June 7, July 8: solicitors, Mr. Coombe, Staple Inn ; and Mr Phillips. Weymouth.

Desesox. Jetties, Huddersfield, woolleu-cloth.merchant, June 10. July 8: solicitors. Messrs. Bettye and Co. Chancery Lane; and Messrs Stephenson and Co. Hob:Mirth.

DYKES, THOMAS. Broad Street, St. Giles, stationer. June 11, July 8: solicitors, Messrs. Rhodes and Co. Chancery Lane; official ass,guee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane,

Evears,Tuosses, Welehpool • Montgomervshire. draper. June 18, July 8: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; and Mr. 'Yearsley. Welehpool. GOODING, WILLIAM, Chatham, boot-maker, June 8, July 8: solicitor, Mr. Hughes. Chapel Street, Bedford Row; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street. Hestw000, WILLTAIA. Manchester. warehouseman, Julie 10,July 8: solicitors, Messrs. Abbott and Aruey. Charlotte Street, Bedford Square; & Messrs. Bennett, Manchester,

Hire., WILLIAM, and WACKSRBATH. Wisstem EEMBLE, Leadenhall Street, ship-agents, June 6, Jule 8 solicitor, Mr. Williams, Copthall Court ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Blsiughall 'Street.

HOMER. CHARLES senior, West Bromwich. wine merchant. June 11, July 8: solici- tors. Messrs. Smithson and Milton. Southampton Buildiuge; and Mr. Smith, Liverpool. Horroe, GEDROE, Liverpool. ship-caliudler, June 8. July 8 : solicitors. Mr. Roscoe, Gray's Inn; and Mr. Moss, Liverpool. FENDLEBURY, CHARLES. Bury, Lancashire. bleacher, June 14, July 8: solicitors. Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; and Mr. Briggs, Bolton. ' STYLE, ELIZABETH. Wind-our, bookseller, Juue 2, July 8; solicitor, Mr. Burbidge, Hatton Garden ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher. King's Arms Yard.


June 17. SchIesinger, Strand, merchant-June 17. Collis. Dunmow, clraper-June 20, Hughes. Cross, Somersetehire, dealer in lapis caltimivaris- Jane 20. H. and F. Rogers, Finch Lane. wine.merchauts-June 20, Wile...mks, Bracknell. saddler-Juno 18. Vundergucht, Quadrant. siec.mercer -.bine 18, Clark, New Broad Street. merchant -June 21, Newsome. Dewsbury, oil-crusher-June 17, Maxey. Leamington, ,torn- dealer-June 23, Gidden. Fartingdon. victualler-June 23. Haworth, Manchester. merchant-June 20. Bryan. Cotton End, Nuithamptonshire, shosmenufacturer-J one 21, Ism-ads, Manchester. wine-merchant-Jane 17. Todd, Birmingham, factor-June 20, Goodeve. Chichester, lineker's-clerk-Jtme 22, Hardcastle. Birmingham, grocer- June 28. J. and J. Cotter. Toxteth Park, joiners-June 29.T. end E. Tay lor. Raw' marsh. earthenware-mauefacturers -June 20, Gibbs. Great Yarmouth, taversekeeper- June 21, Garry, Manchester, brassfounder-Juue 22, Dowurnan, Kidwelly, tin-plate. manufacturer -J une 23, Hallett, ltyde, draper. CERTIFICATES

Tu be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before JE/le 17.

Cunard and Ingram, New Breed Street, merchants-Gaugh, Peticembe. Hereford- shire, dealer - Crightou senior, MaUCbpster, machine m titer -Darlington, Liverpool, w iue. merchant- lieut. Riches Court. Lime Street. shipbroker-Buckett, Gre .t Bounon, sheep-dealer Graydon. Limelionse, ship chandler-Hurrell, Walthametow, cattle- dealer-Calverley, The Abbey, Yorkshire. miller.


ALLARDES. JAMES, Boynsmill, Aberdeenshire. distiller. June 2, 30. ARTHUR, CHARLES and Cm. Kirkaldy. yarn-spinners. June 2,23. BROWN, WILLIAM. Airdrie. emssmission-agent. June 2,23. MILLAR, lam Limekisms, Fifeshire, ehipbuilder, June 4. July 2.

Weis, JOHN, Glasgow. tavern-keeper. Juue 1,29. Wimete, James, Edinburgh, baker. June 3. 24.