RAID THANK-OFFERINGS SIR, — From several quarters I have received the suggestion
that I should supply boxes in which households should place thanks- offerings of varying amounts for a peaceful night or for a night with raids but no damage to person or property, the proceeds to go to my National Air-Raid Distress Fund. The suggestion of such a regular thank-offering is an excellent one, but with the restrictions, almost prohibitions, on the use of materials, I fear the supply of boxes in such quantities is quite impossible. Is it not possible to adopt the principle and practice of the scheme and for each household to provide some suitable receptacle in which the daily offering might be placed? If the scheme were simplified to a gift of one penny for a raid-free night and twopence for a night of raids without personal damage, I think it might well be adopted generally throughout the whole of the United Kingdom, as the benefits of the Fund have just as wide a scope. The plan involves no expense, and I appeal to tens of thousands to adopt this simple plan and to remit the amount collected in their household to me at the Mansion House every half-year, marking their letter " Thank-offering."—Yours truly, GEO. H. WILKINSON, Lord Mayor.
The Mansion House, London, E.C. 4.