STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EvasrDro.—Another week has passed since our last report in the same dull uniformity which has characterized our Market for some time past. There has in fact been no business worth naming; and the variatitm in prices has scarcely exceeded an .eighth per cent.
. . The first price of the week for Consols Was 8.74 to j. . On Tuesday it
advanced to 874 to but again receded to 87# to I, and ever since has been alternately a' to 4, and to for the Account. The money price is about it per cent. lower. The only heavy Stock-open at present is the New 4 per Cent.; of which the price has been from 101i to 102 during
the whole week. Money has been in constant and steady demand in the Stock Exchange at about 3 per cent., and more particularly so to-day ; and yet both Exchequer Bills and India Bonds (the usual absorbents of floating cash) have advanced in price since yesterday, the former from 56 to 58, and the latter from 49 to 52.
In the Foreign Market there has been more business, and, as usual, to the injury of the luckless bondholders. Of all the South American Bonds,
for a long time past, those of Brazil alone have been at all buoyant ; hut even they are beginning to suffer from the prevailing and we must say well-founded distrust. These Bonds, which were worth 60 on Saturday, fell on Tuesday to 561; and although they have since recovered a little, the Market is by no means firm. The dividend due on the 1st of next month has been advertised, and will undoubtedly be paid; but the ac- counts from Rio by the last packet are in general exceedingly unfaYour. able ; and it would further appear, that, under all the difficulties of an almost bankrupt exchequer, the emperor is resolved to reject all overtures for an amicable arrangement of the differences with Portugal. There have been some heavy sales of the Stock this week for money, and the " spic and span new" appearance of some of the Bonds, which precludes the possibility of their having ever been in circulation before, has led to some strange suspicions. Buenos Ayres Stock has been affected not less from sympathy with that of Brazil, than from the last accounts from that country ; and Mexican is worth no more than 25; Columbian 174; Chi- lian 22; Peruvian 13. In Portuguese Stock there has been little or no business ; but the little that has been done has been at lower prices. There is no longer a syllable said about the dividend on this Stock ; and if the onus of providing font is to rest with the Emperor of Brazil, we suspect he will have enough to do to continue paying his own. Spanish Bonds are about ; but there is nothing doing in them—Russian is firm at 9i") Danish 64f.
All the Mining Shares are lower in price, and some of them materially so. The accounts from some of those concerns are of so favourable a character that it is impossible to doubt of their ultimate success, unless we suppose the accounts false or fabricated : but the Shareholders are becoming more and more weary of the long delay, and in their bitterness of feeling, are sacrificing their shares at any price which they will bring.
SATURDAY, ONE O'CLOCK.—Consols for the Account opened at 87g to 4, advanced to 87 ; but some money Stock having come in, the Market is now not quite so good—say 874 to
Bank Stock,div. Spec Cent. Colombian, 17 171 3 per Cent. Reduced, Ditto, 1624, 6 per Cent.
3 per Cent. Consols, 871 1- Danish, 3 per Cent. 64} 65 31 per Cent. ISIS, • French 5 per Cents. 11)5 1081 Ditto 3 per Cents. 78 76/ Greek 5 per Cent. 14 15 Mexican 6 per Cent 22 221 Neapolitan 5 per Cent. Peruvian. 6 per Cent. 12 13 Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 421 421 per Diem,) 57 hid Anglo-Mexican, 22/. 241. Consols for Account 87i 8-. nrazilian, Imperial. 491. 51/.
FOREIGN enemas. Real Del Monte. 1211. 1351.
Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Bolanos, 300/.
Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 571 i Colombian, 71. 81.
Buenos Ayres 6 Cent. 25 27 United Mexican, 91. 10/. 31 per Cent. Reduced.
New 4 per Cents. 1822, 101i 1021 4 per Cents. 1826, Lung Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. 1860) India Stock, die. 101 per Cent.
South Sea Stock, die. 34 per Cent. India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, 1829, thereafter:3 perCent.) 51 53 Exchequer Bills, (interest 2d. per Cent. Prussian, Russian, 941 951 Spanish, 91 91