28 JUNE 1845, Page 8


Sir John Hope, of Pinkie, was on Wednesday elected for the County of Edin- burgh, without any opposition.

Apublic meeting was held at Dr. Willis's Church, in Renfield Street, Glasgow, on Monday, of those friendly to the objects of the " Scottish Association for Protection to the Poor," to receive information regarding the state of the poor in various districts, and the ejectment of numbers of small tenants in the High- lands. The meeting was numerously and respectably attended; several state- ments of extreme destitution, ludicrously inadequate relief, and harsh treatment, were made; and the following resolutions, with a petition founded on them, passed unanimously- " That the destitution ascertained extensively to exist among the poor of Scotland is extreme and affecting; and that the result of the late inquiry by the Parliamentary Commissioners demonstrates the: total inadequacy of the provision for their wants Which has been practically secured to them under the existing arrangements. " That this meeting • * * highly approve of the principles of the ' Scottish Associ- ation for Protection of the Poor,' and agree by every mean, in their power in carrying out Its design.

" That this meeting have contemplated with much interest the introduction into Par- liament of a bill for the amendment of the present law ; but are persuaded that some oC its leading features are so objectionable, and Its provisions on the whole so little cal- culated to improve the condition of the poor, that it is greatly desired that ample time be afforded for maturely considering the whole subject ; and that, as involving interests tie varied and extensive, hasty legislation on such a matter is greatly to be deprecated."

The visit of the Times " Commissioner" to the North has not been without effect on one landlord at least. The John o'Groat Journal says—" We under- stand, that since his arrival in Sutherlandshire, his Grace the Duke of Sutherland has been making personal inquiries into the condition of the poor on his estates, and is at present in course of visiting them."

We understand that the Kelvin, Rock Villa, and Burnside Weaving Company, have reduced their time of labour half-an-hour per day, and contemplate a further reduction of another half-hour per day in a short time.—Glasgow Argus.

The Glasgow Scottish Guardian publishes the names of six more weaving- firms who have consented to abridge the hours of labour for their workpeople, by half-an-hour or an hour daily.