28 JANUARY 1832, Page 9

etc (Country.


Tuts Court Martial commenced on Wednesday ; it was crowded, and among the crowd were a great many well-dressed females. Captain Thompson of the 81st Regiment acted as Judge Advocate, and Gene rd D'Albiac as prosecutor; and the President and members of the Court were the same as on the trial of Colonel Brereton. General D'Albiac spoke at considerable length, and in nearly the same style, as he did on the former trial, respecting the ungraciousness of the office which he had assumed. We believe these things arc customary on such occasions; is a custom which might be well dropped. There was not a singe point of the slightest interest, or that elucidated one solitary fact respecting the riots, touched upon by the evidence of the first day. The whole question to be settled seems to be one touching

military duty, which might have been made a case of in the Courts, and pleaded as an abstraction. That troops qua troops, mounted and ac-

coutred, and using deadly offensive weapons, and subject to military

rule and military discipline, have no right in law, common or statute, to .act against an unarmed multitude, unless in aid of, and.countemuiced

by' he civil power, we hold to be as true and sound constitutional doc- trine, as we hold the contrary, not perhaps laid down, but inferred from what has been laid down by several of the Judges, to be unsound, un- constitutional, and detestable. The troops at Bristol were not called on to aid the civil power, nor were they countenanced by the presence or advice of any magistrate ; they were called on to murder and slay of themselves and by themselves. If in refusing or obeying such orders, they departed technically from the rules of military service,, let the mi- litary men look to it. The public view the Court Martial as valuable, not for establishing punctilios, in which they take no interest, but for settling the question why the municipal force of Bristol was so inade- quate to the occasion ; and why, inadequate as it was, it \vas not better directed'?

The evidence on the second day was limited to the proof of the deli- very of the letter to Captain Warrington, the neglect of forwarding which forms the second ground of impeachment. The delivery was not denied. The sending away of the Doddington Yeomanry was re- peatedly alluded to in the evidence, but no explanation of that act of the 'Magistracy given or sought. The case, in a word, remains pre- cisely where it was. All that is proved or admitted is, that the Magis- trates ordered the military to act, and the military hesitated to act with- out the Magistrates. Something worth recording will, probably, be elicited in Major Mackworth's evidence.

A meeting of the Manchester workmen was held last Sunday, for the purpose of petitioning Government to pardon the rioters convicted at Bristol and Nottingham, and also to petition for Radical Reform. There Were about four thousand persons present, and the speeches are decribed as very violent. Some apprehensions were entertained of a riot; but the men separated in perfect quietness and order. The meet- ing was held on Sunday to enable the workmen to attend.

A little knot of persons, consistinr, chiefly of hungry pensioners and place-hunting squires, hangers-on and retainers of the Earl of Lons- dale, who facetiously enough call themselves the " Conservative party," —meaning thereby, we presume, the upholders of tithes, places, pen- sions, and other good things, in which, in the palmy state Of their lord's power, they either shared or expected to share,—are, we bear, busily employed in getting up here a hole and corner address to the King against Parliamentary Reform.—Carlisle Journal.

His Majesty'S Government, in their anxiety to secure the prosperity of all the great interests of the country, are prosecuting extensive in- quiries into the state of the various branches of trade in the manufac- turing districts, the condition of the poor, and other subjects of public interest.—..Leeds Mercury.

On Monday, Mr. Hanbury Tracywas elected without opposition for the borough of Tewkesbury, in the room of the late Mr. John Martin.

It is intended to bring forward Sir Thomas Gooch at the next election for Suffolk.

The extensive banking establishments of Messrs. Waters, Jones, and Co. of Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Llanelly, have suspended their payments. This unexpected event was first known by their London aVnts, Sir James Esdaile and Co., declining to accept their bills.— Cambrian.

It appears that the glove manufacturers of Yeovil have been com- pelled to reduce their manufacture one-half, taking the average of 48 weeks, ending December 3.,..-Bath Chronicle. The cotton trade has undergone revival during the last three weeks. The spinning branch in particular has felt the advantage of this bene- ficial change, and the prospects for the spring are thought to be very'

cheering. •

At Pulbrook, owing to some dispute among the farmers respecting the tithes, there are upwards of 174 able-bodied men thrown on the pa- rish.—Brighton Gazette.

Much fresh damage has been done to the fences and mounds uport Otmoor, during the past week.—County Chronicle.

The new police system commenced its duties in Cheltenham on Wed- nesday for the first time.

A vessel was discovered on Thursday, about noon, on shore on the Goodwin Sands, with her masts gone. Several boatmen proceeded to the vessel, and endeavoured to render assistance and ascertain the par- ticulars. On their approach they discovered the vessel to be a schooner, and that the hull was parted in two pieces ; but they could not discover her name, or what she was laden with. A piece of one of her sails was picked up, marked " William, Dublin."

During the early part of Friday evening last, a fellow of suspicious appearance was seen lurking about the premises of Mr. Ayre, far- mer at Coleorton, Leicestershire. Mr. T. Ayre, the eldest son, went up to him, while he stood under a hedge near the rick-yard, and seizing him by the collar, demanded his business, and who be was ? The fellow said he was a ishmonger, and that he was waiting for his cart. He was taken into the house, to remain till either his cart came or he was taken before a magistrate. While detained, he asked for a mug of beer; which Mr. T. Ayre, who was sitting with him, ordered the servant girl to fetch. At that moment, the man jumped up, and said—" As there is only you and me, we'll have a try for it;" and seizing a staff that hung upon the chimneypiece, he struck Mr. Ayre a violent blow above the right eye. A struggle ensued, and both fell,—the stranger uppermost. On rising again, Mr. A vre succeeded in getting the staff; upon which, the villain seized a sword which was also hang- ing upon the chimneypiece. Here, however, he was foiled, for the sword dropped out of the sheath as lie was reaching it down ; and Miss Ayre coming into the house at the instant, seized it and ran out with it. She threw the sword away, and called for one of the labouring men to conic in, who joined his young master, and they succeeded in securing the assassin. He turned out to be tile notorious Hitchcock, who some time ago made his escape from Leicester Gaol, and for whose apprehension .50/. reward had been offered.—Nuttinyhani Journal.

A gang of thieves, and a receptacle of stolen property, !awe been just discovered by ihe vigilance of the magistrates in the vicinity of Sunning Hill, Berks.

"An interesting experiment," says the Correspondent of the Courier, "was tried at Newcastle last week, on the state of the atmosphere. A kite was sent up, having attached to it a piece of fresh butcher's meat, a fresh haddock, and a small loaf of bread. The kite rose to a con- siderable height, and remained at that elevation for an hour and a quarter. When brought to the ground, it was found that the fish and the piece of meat were both in a putrid state, but particularly the fish ; and the loaf of bread, when examined through a microscope, was dis- covered to be pervaded with legions of animalculie." It would have been well had the same experiment been tried on the ground, and if it had been ascertained whether the legions of animalculie were not pre- ceptible in the loaf before it was sent up.