28 JANUARY 1832, Page 20

Prire4 Current.


Naur. Monday. Tuesday. Wednes. Thurs.


nit +

8214 4

821 4

• 834 24

424 11 i 82 14 4 SII 24 .1 8211141I 331E I 24 iii* 8241;112 893 4 z

524 iiig 824 4-

821 i 4 831 i 4

- -

$94 904


944 I 594 Si i 891 i

$94 I

894 4 <14 i i

• 94.a 99.413 994 1


- 9914



191 34

::::, 1934 -

16 9464

16 9.16 16 9-164 ;,-•


164 9-16

par par 1 pm 1 prom ; par 1 dis

1 2

- - 1944

194 5 193 11 12 11 12 11 12

11 13 13 12 13 11 19 11 19 11 12

11 13 13 12 18


3 per Cent. Reduced

3 per Cent. Consuls Ditto for Aecount

at per Cent. Old

34 p...r Cent. New

4 per Cent:


1111k, Long Annuities India 1101014

India Stud/

1:,...•!a•quer Bills 2t1

Cilto Sauna

0- 70-80 80 -11(1 105 -120 27 - 0 •• • • - Wall's End, best

33 - 36 •••••• 80-- Inferior


Meadow Hay 50 - 72 .... 60 - 80 Clover 80 -100 .... 65 -120 Straw, Wheat ...... 23 - 36 .... 30 - 30


We have had but a limited sale for everything this rooming although the market generally is shortly sapplied, particularly in Mahar. Paces, however, are all the same as last Monday-viz. Beef, 4s 44.; Mutton, lis.; Veal, 62.; and Pork, 5s.34. per stone for the best qualities.

Nawatra & LHADENUALL.• SMITIIFIELD.f Beef .... 2.104. to 31. 6,f 32. 44.to 4/. 44.

Mutton.. 3 4- 4 0 8 6 - 5 0

Veal 3 8 - 5 4 4 0 - 6 0 Pork 3 4 - 5 0 5 2 - 0 0 * By the Carcass, per stone of Sib,. $ Sinking the offal, per stone of Bibs.


Best Fresh, 160.04. per doz.


Jamaica, Tringe . ....per cat 80/. 04.10 als. 04. - Ordinary 81 0 83 0 113 0 - 05 0

- - Middling 90 0 - 92 0 - Fine 96 0 - 100 0

Mocha 7u 0 - 130 0 Duty not included. 111Y Alen STRAW. (Per load oe3; Trusses.)


tiny, Coarse Meadow Gar. to 84s 0s. to Useful Ditto 0 - 0 .... 55 - 65 Upland Ditto Clover Straw. Oat Wheat

Gold-Portogal, in Coin ',.. ....per oz 0/. Os. O.I. .-- Foreign, a Bars 3 17 103

- New Doubloons 0 0 0 SilVer-In Ears, Standard 0 4 113 - New Dollars 0 4 91


Mann Lams, Friday, darner: 27.

The arrivals of Grain in general ilds week are large, particularly of Wheat and Oats, from Ire- land ; the Mt-sling Trade, I soccer. though doll, is not cheaper for gond parcels of Wheat.

The Oat Trade is rather lower, owing to the abundance of the supply ; bitt in Beans, Peas, and Barley, there is no earl:men worth notice. (Per Quarter.)

Wheat,Red New 44 to rdt Maple. 36 to 313 Fine G2 -6f. White 34-36 White, Old .. 50 - GD - 40 Fine - 63 - 62 Beans, Ticks 33 - 35 Super. - 70 -75 Darrow 0 - 0 nee, New 30 -s tie Old 38 - 40

Old - - Oats, Fetal 20-0.2 Barley, Stained 28-355 Fine 23 - 24 Maltim• 30 - 42 1'olan.1 22 -44

Mall, Ordinary. 53 -GO Fine 25 -25 Fine 63 - 65 Potato *7 - 28 Peas, Hog .... 34 -36 Fine 29 - 30


Pei Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales, for the Week ending Jan. 20.

Wheat ' 3/. 54, Rye 3Gs. 44.

Barley 33 ft Beans 35 7

Oats 21 4 Pens 37 3

Aggregate Average of the last Six Weeks, which regulates Duty. Wheat 53s. 34, i Rye Mx Ea. Barley 35 8 Beans 37 8 Oats ...... .... 21 11 Pens 38 10 Duty on FOREIGN CORN for the present Week.

Wheat 27.64. I Rye 15.0.64.

Barley 0 4 i Means usu. ...14 0

Onts 15 8 I Fens 12 G HA/I:It.

Town-made per sack 55s. to CS, Seconds . 50 - 55 Essex and Sulfelk, on board ship 46 - 50 Norfolk and Stockton 40 - 45


Duty included.

Itruscorades, Bross, per cwt 46s. 04. to 493. Od.

- Middling 50 0 -- 52 0 - Good 53 0 •-• 57 0 - Fine 58 0 - 60 0 Mauritius 42 0 - 54 0

51olasses Si 0 - 23 0

.... notincluded.

East India, Brown 0 0 - 0 0

-. White 20 a - 26 0



Raisins, Sultanas, per ct. Os. to 56s... 65s. to Os. Smyrt3•, Black 0 - 0 .. 36 .- 0 --- Muscatels.-- 0 - 0 .. 90 -190 - Bloom 0 - 0 .. 85 - 87 Currants 68 - 72 .. 65 - 0 Figs, Turkey 35 - 45 .. 45 -- 52 French Plums ...... 0 - 0 .. 0 - 0 - Imperials /90 - 0 .. 70 - 0 - Prunes 54 - 0 .. 50 - 0 Almonds, Jordan III. Os. Od.


per lb. Is. 1114.to Ex 114.

2 If - 2 2i

2 23 2 43 2 5 - 2 10

2 10 - 4 24

2 44 - 0 0 2 2 - 2 54 2 31 - 2 8 2 2 - 2 9 3 7 - 3 91 - Fine 4 4 - 5 4 Duties on Teas below 2/.90 per Cent.

above 2/.100 Bohm Congou, Common -- Middling -- Best Soucltong Comma Common ankay - Fine !Tyson, Skin - Common


gegars, in bond ..........per lb 52, Oil. to 132.04.

Havanna', I.eaf I 9 - 3

St. Domingo .......... 0 0 - 0 9 31aryland, Light Brown ..... . 0 5 - 0 7 Virginian, Vine Black ...... 0 51 - 0 6

Kentucky Leaf. Ste/toned 0 3t - 0 5


Port, Old per pipe 40/. to 701, Nets 23 - 26.

Lisbon 20 - IS Bucellas 30 34 :Qom/lain, Good 25 - 40 ---• Cargo 17 - ID Calcayella 30 55

Teneritfe, Good 0 - 0

- Cargo II - II Madeira, Direct t/ - 0 - London Particular 50 - 55 West India 24 - JO - East Indic 30 - 93 Spanish Red per tun 14 - 10 Sherry, Good per butt 35 - 73

block ..... .. ...... ......per num. 0 - 0 Claret, Coot). per Itlid. 20 - 50

Cargo 4 5

French White, Good 30 - 36

- Cargo 4 5 Ditties on French Wines 5s. 64. Duties on Cape W 1110.4 .. 2 0 I perlinp. Galles. Dutieson ;Moller It ines 5 0


Geneva, I follands ..per gallon 23.74. to 2s.16rt. Brandy, Cogniac, 1st quality 4 5 - 4 6 2nd quality 3 0 - 4 0

3rd quality 3 4 - 8 6

Duty 220.64. per Imp. Gallon. Rum, Leewarils, U.P.per gallon 14 - 0 0 - Demerara strong 1 - 1 7 - Jamaica, 02 to 25. 1 - 2 4 30, 0.1' 3 0 - 0 0 Duty as.04.-int re:use DO per strength.


The 41b. Loaf .. ... ...10id. Butter, Cork per met. 94s. ru Or. ..-- Carlow .......... ......... 92 - 96 Cheese. Chesl tire 40 - 70 Gloucester, Single 88 - 46 Double. GO - IX Bacon, Middles 46 50 ..- Singed 46 - 48 Beef, India. Nov per tierce 5L12.r..04. Prime Mess 4 15 0 6 7 0 -- Prime Mess we barrel 3 7 6 - Second Quality 3 0 0


Best Heifers and Steers, per stone 20. 6d. to 3s.104

MithilmE.s 2 0 - 2 4 Ordinary 1 8 - 2 0 Market Calf each 6 0 - 0 0


Sold January 19tb, at Truro.

Copper Ore 2139 tons. Amount of Money 13,739/.11x CA

Average Price .... ...... 6 3 6

Average Standard 04 15 0- , ,

Average I reduce per cent. 91

Quantity of Fine Copper 203 tons 18 cwt.


Iron, in liars per ton. 61. 5s. Od.to 0/.01.02. - Pigs 4 15 0 - 5 0 0

- Hoops ...... 9 0 0 - 0 0 0,0

Steel 30 0 0- 0 0 Tins, in Bars 8 14 6- 0 0 0 - Ingots 8136 -- 009 - Blocks .... 312 6 - 3 0 0 Quicksilrer........per lb 0 1 Ili - 0 0 0 Copper, in Sheets 0 0 10 - 0 0 0 - Cake per ton 85 0 0 - 0 0 fa Lead, Pig 18 10 0 - 0 0 0 Milled or Sheet .• 14 10 0 .- 0 0 0


Bus 14 0 0 -- 0 0 0


Scotch Reds ...........per ton 81. Os. to 01. 00.

Kidneys 3 10 - 0 0


32s. Od. to 323.04 22 - 31 6


Kent Pockets .......per cwt. 41.10s. to Sussex Pockets ...... 4 4 - Essex Pockets . . 4 10 -

Kent Bags ........ 3 10 -

Sussex Bags 9 15 EMI% Bags 3 15 - 71. 121.

5 8 6 10 6 10 4 16 5 12


Lconesa .. 2 0 to 8 0 .

Saxon Elee.4 .

6 to 7 0 Segovia 2 0- 2 4 Ditto 1. 3 3- 4 /0 Soria 1 8- 2 0 Ditto 2 . 2 3- 2 9 Portugal 1 0- 1 4 Do.Locks1 3- S 8 Ai/strata 2 9- 6 6 Do.Fleeee 1 8- 3 6 French . 1 6- 3 0 D.Lambs 1 6- 4 6 Duty Id. perlb.abore Is.--3(4. below.


Butts, English Crop -per lb. 10.4d. to Is. 94.

Foreign 1 3 1 64 Calf Skins, 36 to 40Ib.. per doz. 1 3 - 1 8

Ditto 50 to 70Ib. 1 9 - 2 0 Small Seals, Greenland 1 8 - 1 114 Large Ditto 0 0 - 0 0 English Horse Hides....per lb 1 0 - 1 3 Spanish Ditto 1 5 - 1 7


s. 4.

Candles ...per doz. 8 0

Inferior .. 7 0 Moulds 9 6 Town Tallow p.ewt 51L 6 Yellow Russia 44 White 43 0

s. d.

Soap Tallow 43 0 51elting Stuff 36 0 Ditto Rough 24 0 Yellow Soap GO 0 Mottled 68 0 Curd 72 0


Rape Oil, Brown per ton 35LO Refined 37

Linseed 331

Rope Cake........ ........ Linseed Oil Cake at the MM....per 1000 12