28 JANUARY 1832, Page 15


BURFORD'S Panorama in the Strand has been metamorphosed into a snug little theatre, under the management of Mr. RAYNER. It is small, but compact, commodious, and elegant. There is no gallery; the absence of which in a small theatre is certainly a luxury. There are two tiers of boxes; the price of admission to the upper being mid-way between that for the pit and the dress circle. The admission is by tickets only, which are to be pur- chased at most of the libraries, and at an office close to the thea- tre. This arrangement is one of the least inconvenient effects of theatrical monopoly. The locality is good, and will insure an au- dience to see good acting and amusing pieces. Mr. RAYNER has got together a numerous, well-selected, and efficient company. Mrs. WAYLETT is the Syren; but an unlucky hoarseness prevent- ed her appearance at the opening of the theatre on Thursday night; and a Miss CLEAVER filled her part very creditably. We also recognized Miss FERGUSON, from the English Opera, FOR- RESTER, and C. BLAND. There are besides several performers of Food and useful talent from the provincial theatres; but RAYNER is the star of his own little hemisphere. He is the only actor who reminds of JOHN EMERY without imitating him. His acting in Love's Frailties was equally distinguished for just and natural feeling and forcible expression. The occasional piece, got up for the nonce, abounded with puns, equivoques, clap-traps, and al- lusions to the Great Houses. These last were so eagerly taken up by the audience, that we wondered the proprietors of the patent theatres were not made to listen in their own domains to the expres- sion of the public feeling, which is very strong upon this subject. We wish Madame VESTRIS would take a hint from Mr. RAYNER, and turn her Olympic gallery into an upper tier of boxes. At present, we should judge that it is the best seeing-place in the house, with the exception of some half dozen seats in the centre of the boxes. We are not advocates of the exclusive system either in high or low life ; but if the proportions of expense and accommo- dation are to be commensurate, we see no reason why those who pay least should be best seated.

Since we have named the Olympic, we may as well mention that the new burletta, brought out last week at this theatre, de- serves a visit from the playgoer. He is not A-miss is the punning 'title of the piece : the plot twin upon the very probable circum- stance of a tall young officer being mistaken for his sister in die- :guise, by a young lady who is in love with him, without having -seen him, merely from having heard that he Strongly resembles his sister whom she had met at a ball, but who was in reality no