28 JANUARY 1832, Page 12


Four out of the five men convicted at the late Special Commission, were executed yesterday ; Richard Vines was respited. The men had behaved, since their conviction and on the occasion of the execution, with most exemplary decorum. Davis was a retired currier, and is said to have been worth about 2,0001. Clarke, who was a sawyer, had also sonic property. Keyes was a serving man, and Gregory a common la- bourer. There was a strong guard of soldiers on the occasion, and a formidable array of policemen ; but there was not the slightest disturb- ance or appearance of disturbance. The execution took place in front of the New Gaol.

Sir Charles Wetherell was uncommonly facetious last night : we trust his dreams were lightened by the consideration of the price that these tnthappy men had in the morning paid fiur his exhibitions that way during last Session.

\linisters have acted ill on this occasion : the sacrifice of these men %v ill be remembered against them.