28 FEBRUARY 1976, Page 17


Sir: The letter from Mr Leonard W. Newman of St Albans, Herts, in your publication of January 31, 1976, is such a travesty of the facts that its content, in all fairness, can only be deemed to be the tortured expression of a very sick mind, whilst the declaration which he received from 'others', no doubt sprang from the same source.

Rhodesians black and white are revolted at the bestial behaviour of the terrorists, which has occurred on many occasions on the defenceless tribespeople in the operational area, and which, with their Security Forces, they are determined to stamp out.

Hence the erection of the 'protected villages', which provide the necessary protection for these defenceless tribespeople, giving them not only safety from attack, but the simple amenities, such as water and electric light, which they never had in their scattered kraals.

If Mr Newman's baseless charge that the Rhodesian Government released groups of African criminals, dressed up as terrorists, to perpetrate these dreadful atrocities against the African tribesmen were true, why have they gone to the trouble to build some forty 'protected villages', as well as 'keeps' and other means of protection, to save them from such dangers?

Has Mr Newman ever been to Rhodesia and found out the facts for himself, or does he rely on the slanderous and baseless lies published by her enemies ?

P. C. Denby for Director of Information Department of Information, P.O. Box 8150, Causeway, Salisbury, Rhodesia