AelICSOIL ViSCL, Armagh C. Maim C.. Clailanannan 6../iinr. C. Anlionby, 11. A.. Coe/arm:A Alston, It.. liertferdshire Andover, Lord, Matmesbury Anson, Sir G., Lietyie/d A,tley, Sir .1., Norfolk, TY: A tt wood, T., Birmingham Ainsworth, P., Bolton A ngerstein, J.. Greenwich Ilagshaw. J., Sudbury Baines, E., Leeds Bannerman, A., Aberdeen Barham, J., Kendal Bating, F. T., Portsmouth Barnard. E. G.. Greenwich Barron. II. W., Waterford City Barry, G. S., Cork County Ileauelerk, A. W., &wry. East Benumont,T., Northumberland. S. Bellew, It. M., Loath C. Bellew , Sir!'., Louth C. Berkeley, Hon. C. F., Che/tenham Berkeley, IIn.G., Gloucesters. Berkeley, Hon. F., Gloucester Ci. Bernal, It., Rochester limes. T.. Plytnouth Biddulph, R., Ben :ford Bish, T., Leominster littekburne, .1., Huddersfield Blake, M. J., Galway City Iftlandre, W., Cumberland, East Blunt, Sir C. IL, Lewes Bodkin. 3. J., Galway C. Bowes, J., Durham, South Bowring, Dr., Kilmarnock Brabazon, Sir W. J., Mayo C. Brady, I). C., Ne wry Bridgman, II., Ennis Brodie, W. B., New Sarum Brotherton, J., Salford Browne, D., Mayo
Buckingham, 3. S. Sloffield Buller, Co Lisheard
Rohrer, II. 1,., Mary/ebone Bulwer, E.. Lincoln C:ty Bunton, W. W., Weyno,uth Burton, II. P. &Ter/iv Batter, Hon. Kilkenny C. Buxton. T. F.„ Weymouth Byng. 0., Middlesex llyng, Sir J., Poole
Campbell, Sir J., Edinburgh Carter, J.11., Portsmouth Cave, 0., Tipperary
Cavendish, Hon. C. C., Sussex, E. Caveudish, 11:1. a, Derbyshire, N. Cayley, E. S., Yorkshire, North Chalmers, P., Montrose Chapman, M. L., Westmeath Chet wynd, W. F., Stvprd Chichester, J. P. B., BarnstapM Clay, W., Tower Ham:ets Clayton, Sir W., Great Marlow Clements, Lord, Leitrim. Clive. E. B., Hereford Cockerell, Sir C.. Ereshara Codrington, Sir E., Devonpori Collier, I., Plymouth
Conyngbarn, Ld. A., Canterbury
Coolies, T. II., Woree sterskire, E. Cowper, lion. W , lit rtlerd Crawford, W., L mho, Crawford, W. S., D,,alalk Crompton. S., Thiok
Cmters, II. B Stoser, East Cartels, E. B., Roe
Datmeny, Lord. Stir/ini De Beauvoir, Sir .1.• Windsor DCIIIS011, W. 3.. Sung. II sat Hermiston, A , Dumbartonshile Divett, E., Exeter
Dobbin. L., Armagh Titan Dunkin, Sir It. S., Berwick Draucombe. T. S., Finsbury Duudas, lion. T., Richmond Hondas, Hun. J. C.. Fork City Dunlop. C. Glasgow
Dykes, F. I.., Cockermouth Ebrington, Lord, Deranshire...Yorth Edwards, .1., Montgomery Elphinstone, II., Hastings Etw all, It., Andover Evans, Colonel. if-es/min/ter Evans, G.. Dublin C.
Ewart, W., Liverpod
Easton, Earl, Thetford Fazakerley. J. N., Peterborottyk Felrowes, Hon. N.. Devonshire, N. Fergus, J., Kirkcaldy
Ferguson, Sir It. C., Nottingham Fergusson, TIon, It., Kirkcudbright:. Ferguson, B., Haddingtonshirc Finn,W.Kilkenny Fitzgibbon, Hon. It., Limeria C. Fitzroy, Lord C., Bury St. Edina's. Fitzsimota, N., King's County Fitzsimon, C., Dablin C. Folkes, Sir W. .1., Norfolk, West Fort, J., Clithero Fox, C. R., Strimd
Gaskell, D., Wakefield Gillon,W. D., Falkirk
isborne, T., Derbyshire, North Goring, II. B., Shoreham Grant, Hon. C. /nrerness-shire Grattan, IL, klea
Grattan. J.. IVichhole
Grey, Hon. C., Wycombe Grey, Sir G.. Devonpurt Grosvenor, Lord It., Chester Grote, 0., London
Gully. J., Pontefract Han, B.. Monmouth
I fallyburtem, lion. D., Forfarshire Handley, H., Lincolnshire Harlaud, W. C., Durham City Hai vey, D. W., Sunthwark Hawes, B., Lambeth Hawkins, 3.11 , Newport, Isle of Hay, Colonel L., Elgin Ileathcote,.T., Tiverton Heathcote, It. E., Stoke upon-Trent Ilector. C. 3., Peters/fele./ Ileneage, E., Great Grimsby Ileron, Sir B., Peterbomugh Ilindley, C., Ashton-under Lyne llobliouse, Sir 3. C., Nottingham Bodges, T. L., Kent, West Bodges, T., Rochester Holland, E., 11-orcestershire, East I loskins, K., Herefiirdshire Howard, Hon. E., Norpeds Howard, P. IL, Carlisle
Howard, R., Wicklow Illowick, 'Vise., Northumberland, N.
Hume, J., Middle ex umphery. J., Southwark Hurst. H. II.. Horshuor Ilutt, W., Kingstowepon•Null ' Jeplison, C. D., Mallow Jervis, J., Chester Johnston, A., St. Andrews Kemp, T. It., Lewes Kennedy. J., Ticerton Kerry. Earl of. Caine
King, E, II., Warwick Labouchere. II.. Taunton Lambton, II., Durham. North Leader. .1. T., Bridgewater
Lefevre, C. S., Bamphire, North Leonard, '1'. B.. Mablon Lister. E. C., Bradford Littleton, Rt. II u. E. J., Staibrd, 8 Lock .1.. Wick Locke, W., /Wires Long. W., Wiltshire, Nedra Lushingtrm, Dr., Tower Ilitueets Lushington. C., Arhburton Lynch, A. 11., Gelleray Mackenzie. A..1. S., Bess-■hira Macleod, It., Sutherbindshire Mactaggart..1., Wiyhm Burgles Macuamara, NV. N.. Clare Malier..1.. Wetrd C. Marjoribanks. S., 11,e/the lharshall, W.. Carlisle Marsland. H., Stockport Martin, T., Granny Mantle, lion. F., Perthshire Maxwell, J., Lanarkshire APCance, .1., Be//ant Methuen, P., Wiltshire, North
Milton, LA, Northompboash., N.
Molesworth, Sir W., Cornwoll, E.
Moreton, II n. A.. Glorwestersh. E.
Morpeth. Lord, Yorkshire, W. R. Mostyn, lion. E. M. L., Feintshire Mullins, F. W., Kerry Murray, J. A., Leith
Musgrave, Sir R., Waterford, C.
Nagle, Sir R., Westmeath O'Brien, C., Clare O'Brien, W. H, Limerick (I.
O'Connell, M., Meath O'Connell. 1).. Dublin City O'Connell, J., Youghal O'Connell. M. J., Kerry O'Connell. M., Toltec O'Connor, F., Cork C.
O'Connor Don. Roscommon O'Dwyer. A. C., Drogheda O'Ferrall, R. M., Kildare Oliphant. L., Perth O'Loughlin, M., Dungarees) Onl, W. Fl , Neu port Onl, W., Newcastle a.- T.
Oswnlol, It. A.. Ayrshire Oswald, J., Ginsgote Paget, F., Beaumaris Palmer, C., Bath Parker, J., Sheifie/d Parnell, Sir H., Dundee Parrott, 3., Teener, Pattison,J., lender Pease, J., Durham, South Pelham. Fin. C. A. W., Lincolnshire Pepys. Sir C. C., Melton Perrin, L., Cashel Phillips, M., Manchester Pinney, W.. Lyme Regis Poneonby, Hon. J. G. II., Deity Potter, It„ Wigan Poulter, 3.5., Shaftesbury Power, J., Wes; frd C.
Power, P.. Ilirterfi,rd C.
Pupil:, W. S., hlidhurst Price, Sir R., Herefinoishire Pryme. G.. Cambridge Ramsbottom, J., Windsor Ramsden. J. C.. hlaltora Rice, Rt. lion. T. S., Cambridge Rippon, C., Gateshead Roberts. A. W., Maidstone Roche, W., Limerick City Roche, D., Limerick Veil Roebuck, J. A., Bath Rolfe, R. M.. Penrhyn Ronalne, D., Clomnel Beeper, J. B.. Huntingdonshire Runde% J., Ten 'tack Russell, Lord J.. lh cons/sire, South Russell, Lon]. Taristock Russell, Lord C..1. F., Bedfbrdshi re Rutliven, E., Kildare Blattner, E. S.. Dublin Ci'y Scholefield, J Birnangharn Scrope. G. P., Stroud Seale, Colonel, Dartmouth 8,ymour, Lord. 'Betties, Sharpe. General, Dumfries She% It. II.„ TYpperary
Sheldon, E. R. C., ll'orwieksh., S.
Simeon, Sir R. 0., Isle if Wight Smith, It. V., Northampton Smith, IL, Sadtery Smith, Hon. K. J Wycombe Speirs, Captain. Paisley Spiers, A.. Richmond Stanley, E. .1., Cheshire. North Stanley, Hon. II. T., Preston Stewart, Sir M. S.. Renfrewshire Stewart, IL. Haddington
Strickland. Sir G., Yorkshire, W. R.
Strutt, E., Derby
Stuart, Lord I/. C., Arundel &Mb an. R.. Kilkenny Ci,y
Talbot, 3. H., Ross Talfourd, T. N., Reading
'Penwell, II. W., Bantarry
Tennyson, Rt. Hum C., Lamieeh Thompson, P. 11.. Yorkshire. E. IL Timer:on, Rt. Ho. C.. Manchester
Thorneley, T., Wolserha upon.
Tooke, W.. Truro Townley. II. G.. Cambridgeshire Tracey, C. H., Tewkesbury Trelanney, Sir W. Cornwall, E. Trowbridge, Sir R. T., Sandwich Talk, C. A., Poole Tynte, C. K. K.. Bridgewater Tynte, C. J K.. Somersetshire, West Villiers. C. P., Wolverhampton Villiers, Fo CalVerielry Wakley, T., Finsbury Walker. C. A., We,/ rd Town
Vs ounce, R., Greenoek
Warburton. IL. Bridport Ward. II. 0.. St. Albares Wemyss, J., Fifeshire VVestenra, Holt. Colonel, King's C.
Westenra. I luu. H. It., Monaghan
Whalley, sir si S II., Margit bone White, S., i.e item us
Wigm•y, J. N., Brighton Wilbraham, G., Cheshire, Souk Wilde, T., Newark.upon-Treut Wilkins, W., Radnorshire Wilks, J., Boston Williams, W. A., Monmouthshire Williams. W., C'orentry Williams, Sir J , thrmarthenstlire Williamson, Sir IL, Durban., North Witiningtom Sir T. E., Heredity Winningtun. 11. J., Wercestersh. W. Wood, AI., London
Wrightson. W. IL, Northallerton 'VVrotteslay, Sir J., Stegiontshire, S. Wyse, 'I.. junior, Widerfird City
Agnew, Sir A.. Bigtenshire. Alford, Lord, Iledf,rdshire Alsager, It., Sorry, East A rbut linot,Holi. II., Kineardines. Arelelall, M. jun.,. Ferman/19h G. Ashley, Lord, Dorserkire Attwood. M., Whiteharen Begot, lion. W., Denbighshire Bailey, J., Worcester City Ilaillie, II. D.. lion/ ton Barclay, C., Sorry, /Pest Barclay. D., Sunderland Balfour, T., Orkney
Bating, F., Thetford Baring, W. B., Ifinchester Bariug, Rt. Hon. A., Esser. North Baring, H. B., Marlborough Baring, T., On at Yarmouth Barneby, J., Droit wit* Batesom Sir It., Londonderry C. Beckett, Sir .1.. Leeds Bell, bi- Northumberland, South Benet% J., Wiltshire, South Bentinek, Lord 0., King's Lynn Beresford. Sir J. P., Chat/sans Bethell, R., Yorkshire. East Illackburrre, .1. I., Warring/on Blackstone, W. S., Waliingfimi Bolder°, II. G., Chippenham Bolling, NV., Bolton Bonham, F. 11., Harwich Bertha Or, P.. Eresharn Bradshaw, J.. Berwick Bramston, T. W., Essex, South Brocklehurst, 3.. Macclesfield Browurigg, J. S., Boston Bruce. Lord E., Marlborough Bruce, C. L. C., Inrerness Marlene% Id., Northampton'. N. Bruen, Colonel, Can/ow C. Bruen. F., Carlow
Bulkelev, Sir H., Anglesea Buller. sir J., Berms/are, South Buller, E„ Staffierdshire, North Purcell, Sir C. M.. New Shoreinna Calera% J. IL. Warelmon Campbell, Sir P. H., Berwirkshire Canning. Sir S., King's Lynn Carruthers. D., Kingston- u -Hull Castlereagh, Visct., Down C. Chandos, Marquis, Buckinyharns. Chaplin, T., Stamtbrd Chapman, A., Whitby Charlton, E. L., Ludlow Chatterton, C.. Cork City Chichester, A., Bonito,. Churchill. Lord C., Woodstock Clive, Visa., Ludlow
Clive, lion. R., Shropshire, South Codringtom C.. Gloueesters. E. Cole, lion. A. IL, Emsideillen Cole, Visa., Fermanagh Compton, II. C., Hampshire, K Conolly. E. M., Donegal Cooper, Hon. H. A.. Dorchester Cooper, E. J., Sligo C. ('note, Sir C.. Queen's C. Copeland, W. T., Coleraine Corbett. T.G., Line elnsbire Corry. lion. II., Tyrone Crawley. S., Bedford Crime, Sir J., Derbyshire, South Cripps, J., Cirencester D'Albiac, Sir C • Ripon Darner, O., Portarlingtbs Dare. It. W„ Essex, South Darlington, Earl, Shropshire, South Davenport, 3., Stoke upon- Trelg Denison, J. E., Nottingham, S. Dick. Q.. Ma/don Dalin, A. It., Southampton Dowdeswell, NV. Tewkesbury Duffield, T., Abingdon Daolale. 1).S.. 1Vorwickshire, N. Duncombm Hon, W.. Yorks.. N. /Z. lbancombe, lion. A., East Retread Dandas, It. A.. /pswieh Durham, Sir P., Derizes East, J. 11.. Winchester Eastnor. Viset., Re/gate Eaton. ILL, Cambridgeshire Egerton, W. T. Cheshiee. North Egerton, Sir P.. Cheshire, South Egerton, Lord F., Lancashire, South Eutwistle. J., Rochdale Esteourt. T. 0, Orford University Fancourt, Sir J., Barnstaple
Factor, J. M., Dover Fielden. W.. Blackburn Ferguson, 0., Banffshire Ferguson, Sir R., -Londonderry Finch, G., Stamford
Fleetwood, P. Ii.. Preston Fleming, J., Hampshire, South Foley. E. T., Ihrelbrdihiro Follett. Sir W E://b r Forbes, Lord, Lore/fail Forbes. W.. Stirlinyshire Forester, Hon. G., Wentock Forster, ('.5, Freslitirld, J. NV.. Penrleyn Gaskell, J. M.. Wenlock Geary, Sir W., Kent. West Gladstone, VV . ft., Nework-u.-T. Gindoune. T., Leicester Gordon, nom W., Aberdeenshire Gore, W O., Shropshire, North Goon:urn, Hon. 11., Cambridge Crli• Gottlburn, Sergeant, Leicester Graham, Sir J., Cumberland, Ens Grant. Hon. F. W., Etyin ty Naito
(; [Celle, T., LOWY/ Ater Greisley, sir it., Derbyshire, Smith Greville, Sir C. J., Meru ilh Grimston, Vice.. Hertfbrdshire tirimston. lion.. E. St. Albans 1 lalford. II., Le resters/lire, cS liaise. J., St. Ines
Hamilton, Lord C.. Tyrone Ilatimer, Sir J., Shrewshury ITattmer. IL, A ybolnery Harcourt, G. G., Orfbrdshire liardinge, Sir II.. Launceston Ilanly..1., Bradfiod I lawkes, T., Dudley Ilay, Sir J., Peebles,hire I layes, Sir E., Donegal Henniker, Lord, Suffdk, East I lerbert, lion. S., /Viitshire, South Hurries. Rt. II ti. J. C., Harwich lull, Sir It.. Shropshire, North Hill, Lord A. Downshire
J gg, .1. W., Beverley
Ilope, Linlithyowshre
llope, II. T., Gloucester Hotham, Lord, Leominster liouldsworth, T., Nottingham'. N. Hoy, J. 11., Southampton Ingham, It . South Shields Inglis, Sir R. IL, °yew.' University Dion. S., ('umberland. West Jackson, J. I).. Barubmbridge Jermyn, Earl. Bury St. Edmund's Johnstone, 3.3., Dumfriesshire Johnstone, Sir J., Scarborough Jones, T., Londonderry C. Jones, W., Denbigh Kearsley, J. 11., Wigan Kelly. F., Ipswich Kerr, It. borenpatrirk Kerrison, Sir E.. Eye Kirk. P., Carrirkfergus Knatelibull, Sir E., Kent, East Knox, Ilion. J Dungannon Lawson. A., Knurl sborough Lim, J. L.,iVeCs
Lefroy.T., Dublin University Lefroy, A., Longtbrd Lennox. Lord J. G„ Sussex, West Lewis, D., Carmarthen Lewis. W.. Maiddone Leyeester, J., Cork City Liueoln, Earl of. Nottingham, Sorth Lopes, Sir R., Westbury Lowther, Lord, Westmoreland Lowther, blots. H.C., Westmoreland Lowther, J. 13., York Lucas, ft.. Monaghan Lygon. lin. Cul. IL, Worcester, W. Mackinnon. NV. A., /Innis/jun Maclean. D., Oxford City 111:thou, Lord. Ilertfbrd Mandeville, Vis., Buntingdmrshire Manners, lel. It Leicestershire, N. Marsland, T.. Stockport Martim.L, Sligo Mathew, Captain. Galway C. Maxwell. li„, Cryan Meynell, II., Lisburn Miles, W Somersetskire, East Miles, J., Bristol C.
Miller, W. IL, Ne/reastle.u.-L. Mordaunt, Sir J., Ilitrwichsh. S. Morgan, C. M. R., Brecon Mosley, Sir 0.,Steffordshire, N. Neeld, J.. Chippenhana
Neeld, J., Cricklode Nichol!, J., Cardiff' Norreys, Lord, Oxfordshire North, F., Hosting' O'Neill, lion. J. It. R., Antrim Ossulston. Ld., Nerthumberld. N. Owen, Sir J Pembr keshire Owen. II„ Pembroke Palmer, R., Berkkire
Patten, J. NV., Lancashire, N. Pechell, G. R.. Brighton Peel, Colonel. Huntingdon Peel, Sir R., Tionworth Peel, Rt. Hon. NV. Y., Tannewth Peel. E., Newcastle under-Lyne Pelham, J. C., Shrewsbury Pemberton, T.. Ripon
Peuruddoeke, J. IL. Wilton Perceval, Colonel, Sligo C. Phillipps, C. M., Leicestersh., N. Pigot. R., Bridgenserth Plumptre, J. P., Kent, East Polhill. F., Bedford Pollington, Lord, Pontefract Pollock, Sir F., Huntingdon Powell, W. E.. Cardiganshire Praed, J. IL, Backinyhaneshire Praed, NV. M., Great Yarmouth Price, S. G.. Sandwich Price, II., Radnor Pringle, A., Selkirkshire Pusey, P., Berkshire Rae, Sir W., Butts/lire Reid, Sir J. R., Dover Richards, J., Knaresborough Bickford, W., Aylesbury Ridley. Sir NI. NV.. Near:mile tr.-T. Rubinson, G. IL. Woreeder Boss, C.. N,rt leaneptem Rushbrooke, It., SVP/k, West
kyle, .1., Mocelesfietd Sank n. Lord, Liverpool Sandersou, IL, Colchester Searlett, lion. It. C., Norwich Scott, J. W., Hampshire. North Scott, Lord J Itorburghshire Scott, Sir E. D.. Lichfield Scourlield, W. 11., Ibieerfbrdwest Shaw, F., Ilublio Unirerstty Sheppard, T., Ermne sibfhorp, Colonel. Lincobe Sinclair, G., Caithness.shire Smith, A., Ilertthrdshirc Smyth, Sir G. IL, Colchester Somerset, Loot G. C.. 11/0nmouthsh.- Somerset, Lord It. E.,,Cirence3ter Spry, sir S. T., Mdmin Stanley, Lord, I aneashire, North Stanley, E., Cumberland, West Stewart, J., Loren/ton Stewart, P. M., Laucader Storntont, Lord, 41'0r/ebb Stmt, II. C., D rseshire Surry. Earl of, Sussex, West Sutton, lit. Iln. Sir C. M., Cam". Ir. Talbot, C. It. M., Ghonoryaushire Talmash, lion. A. G.. Granka an Tanis, 0. W., Christchurch Tentient, J. E., It/last Thomes, Colonel. Kinode Thompson, W., Sooderland Trench, Sir E., Soilb 'rough Trevor. Ilion. G. It., Carmorthenii. Trevor, lion. A., Durham Turner, NV., Blacaurn Turner, T. F., Leicester:hire, South Twiss, H., Briefport
Tyrrell, Sir J. T., Esser, North Vaughan, Sir It. W., Merionethshire N'ere, Sir C. B., Suffolk East Verner, W., Armaeh U. Verney, Sir II.. Buckingham Vernon, G. IL, East Re tfiod Vesey, Hon. T.. Queen's C. Vivian. J. E., Truro Vyvyan, Sir It. It., Bristol Walker, It., Bury
Wall, C. B., (ints/ford Walter, J., Berkshire NV,.lby, G. E.. Grantham Weyland. R., Orprdshire Whitmore, T. C., Bridyenerth Wilbraham. lb. It., Laneashire, S. Williams, 'E. P., Great Marlow Williams, ft. junior, Dorchester Wilmot, Sir E. E., Warteicksh. N. Wilson, H., SryBdk, Mot Wodehouse, Hun, E.. Norfolk, East Wood, T., Brecknockshire Worcester. Mar. of, Glourestersh.,Hr. Wortley, Hon. 3.5.. fiat/fin: 1Vyndliam, W., Salisbroy Wynn, C. W. W., Montgomeryshire Wynn, Sir W. W., Denbighshire Yorke, IL T., Cambridgeshire Young, Sir W. L., Bitekiegtramshirs Young, 0. F.. Tynemouth Young, J., Cavan County
Clerk, Sir G., Edinburghshire Fremantle, Sir T., Buckingham
Wood, C., Halifax Gordon, R. Crwklade ABSENT.
Bainbridge, E. T., Taunton Belfast, Earl of, Antrim C. Burdett, Sir F., Westminster Campbell, NV. F., Argykshire Cartwright, W., Northampton'. S. Cobbett, VV., Oldham Colborne, N. VV., /Pills Dillwyn. L., Glamorganshire Ellice, Right Hon. ft., Coventry Fielden, J., Oldham
',french, F. S., Roscommon
Goodricke, F. L. II., Stqfford Glynn°. Sir S. It., Flint
Guest, J. J.. Merthyr Tidril Heathcote, Sir 0., Rutlandshire Ileatheote. 0.1., Lincolnshire Hughes, NV. }1.. Orfirrd City Kavanagh, T., Carlow C. Knightley, Sir C., Northampton, S.. Langton, W. 0, Sumer/et, East Lemon, Sir C., Cornwall. West Lumley, Lord, Nottinghamshire, Y.. Lennox, Lord A., Chichester Mangles, J., Guildford
Noel, Sir 0. N., Itugandshire Parry, L. I'. J., Common Pendarves, E. W., Cornoolidir, Philips, G. IL, Kidderminster Pollen, Sir J., Andorer
Ponsouby, flint, W. F. S., Dorsetsh. Pryse, P., Cardigan
Sanford, E. A., Sonermetshire, West Smith, J. A., Chichester Smith, T. A., Carrearrnmshire Stuart, Lord J., Ayr Burghs Townsend, Ld. 3. N. B., Helston Viviao, C. C , Badmen Walpole, Lord, Norfolk, East [There is reason to fear that these Lists, correct as the lists of last week ; but rate as possible, and will notice any especially that of the Absentees, are not so we have endeavoured to make them as acen• alterations that may be signified next week.]