28 DECEMBER 1867, Page 3

It appears from some official statistics that there are 601,634

persons in England and Wales born in Ireland, of whom 298,729 are males, against 9,677,530 Englishmen. The Irish immigration is at the rate of about 18,000 persons a year. Lancashire is the thickest Irish colony, Irish males alone there numbering 100,000. In Manchester one-tenth of all males are Irishmen, in Leeds Irish of both sexes amount to 4-9 per cent., in Birmingham to 3 per cent., in Bristol to 3 per cent.,and in London they are 3.6 per cent. of males. Everywhere, of course, the Irish are hopelessly outnumbered, and a very limited proportion even of this percentage sympathizes with Fenianism, though a great proportion is discontented with the condition of Ireland.