A public meeting was held on Tuesday in the Hopetoun
Rooms, Edinburgh, to set on foot a subscription for erecting a national testimo- nial to the Duke of Wellington in the Scottish capital. Men of dif- ferent politics attended ; and among those who moved and seconded the resolutions, were the Lord Provost, the Earl of Roseberry, Sir George Clerk, the Lord Advocate, Professor Wilson, the Earl of Dal- housie, Mr. Gibson Craig, Sir George Sinclair, Sir T. Dick Lauder, the Marquis of Tweceddale, and Sir David Duudas.
Subscriptions of 100/. each wen: announced from the Marquis of Tweeddale and the Marquis of Ereadalbane ; from Lord Hadelington 50/.; and promises of contribution had been made by many other noblemen and gentlemen.